
Here is a dumb ? if your on a train going 60mph and your walking on the train at 1mph how fast are you going ?

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Here is a dumb ? if your on a train going 60mph and your walking on the train at 1mph how fast are you going ?




  1. Depends on the point of reference.  You could be walking the wrong direction and be doing 59 instead of 61.  lol  And for the bonus, if you were waking from side to side, then you would still be doing 60mph.

  2. Relative to an observer on the tracks, either 61 mph or 59 mph, depending on the direction you are  walking.  Relative to an observer on the train, 1 mph.

  3. 61 mph

  4. Well, it depends on the direction you are walking in. If you are walking towards the front of the train, you will be moving 61 mph. If you are moving towards the rear, you will be moving 59mph.

  5. 61mph Depends on the way you look at it.

  6. You'ed only be going 60 becuase the speed of youwalking on the bus doesn't really affect how fast your going too were your going too, I think.

  7. your still travelling at 60mph.......walking on the train will not increase your speed to your destination

  8. 61mph,if walking in the same direction. 59mph, if walking in the opposite direction.

  9. YOU are going 1mph.  THE TRAIN is going 60mph

  10. duh...of course tell u that in the question!

  11. LOL what a waste of points

  12. are you walking in the same or opposite direction that the train is moving?

  13. 1mph?

  14. Which way am I walking...

    With the train 61mph

    Againsts the train 59mph

  15. Relative to what?

    Relative to the passengers in the train: 1 mph

    Relative to the car waiting at the train-crossing: either 61 or 59 mph depending on which way you are walking in the train.


  16. how fast are you going relative to what...the train? the ground? the sun? the center of the universe?

  17. 59 mph or 61 mph depending on the direction you are walking.

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