
Here is a list of 5 functions. Write one sentence expressing each function. Follow the example:?

by Guest58826  |  earlier

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Agreement: Of course I agree with you, it's a very useful idea.

1. Seeking Permission, 2. Expressing displeasure, 3. Showing anger, 4. Expressing opinion, 5. Expressing disapproval.




  1. 1. Seeking Permission, Is it possible to park in the student lot.

    2. Expressing displeasure. I detest people with bad manners.

    3. Showing anger, I will not be responsible for my actions, if you do not leave  my house immediately.

    4. Expressing opinion, In my opinion, the election laws must be reformed.

    5. Expressing disapproval. I  disagree completely with this new dress code that permits revealing and suggestive clothing.

  2. 1:can i borrow your cd

    2:stop harassing me

    3:stop touching me or else

    4:i think its better if you do that

    5:no...i dont think thats how it works

  3. 1. Seeking Permission - Would it be OK if I do that?

    2. Expressing displeasure - I am not happy with that.

    Get the idea...

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