
Here is a quiz in world history see if you can pass it?

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1.Beyond the influence of Christianity, what additional reason did the daiymo want to maintain contact with the Portugese?

2. During the Azuchi-Momoyama Period, why was it so difficult for one daimyo to gain control of the capital of Japan?

3.What was Nobunaga's "excuse" to invade Kyoto?

4.ow did the Azuchi castle differ from previous castles?

5.Who, and in what year, unified Japan?

6.List three things that made Akbar a successful emperor of India.

7.comparing and contrasting Akbar and his son Jahangir.

see how many you can answer simple answers please its hard to grade when you dont simlify your answers lol






  2. I would say that is more Japanese history,

    rather than world history.

  3. Not without googling. Goodness, what recondite questions!

  4. 1.  they wanted to maintain contact because they seeking better trade arrangements for European firearms, fabrics, glassware, clocks, tobacco, and other Western innovations

    2. Daimyo began to struggle each other for territory and power.

    If someone who had enough power and occupied Kyoto, he would became the new shogun. Not only daimyo but also their subsidiaries dreamed to do so. Some of them slew their master to take place by themselves


    4But Azuchi castle was different because it was the first time such a large multi-storied structure had been attempted. The fact that they could design and accomplish such a feat in four years bears testament to the power and force of Nobunaga's rule

    5 Toyotomi Hideyoshi led the newly unified Japan into the first invasion (1592-1593)\


  5. sorry, not an expert on japan's history

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