
Here is a really cute must read joke!?

by  |  earlier

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An older man and his grandson were shopping in the market! For some reason his grandson was being very, very naughty, he was screaming at the top of his lungs, throwing a hugh fit, all the man wanted to do was finish his shopping and get out of there! They finally get to the check out line and a women over heard the man saying over and over again, It's going to be ok Jerry, we are almost through the check out line Jerry, We will be out of here in no time Jerry! Amazed on how well he was handleing things she says to the man, With all the trouble that little boy is giving you, you sure are being pactient with Jerry, The man turns to the women and says, My grandson's name is James, my name is Jerry!




  1. lol that is cute. i hate when kids act up in stores, that's why i don't bring my 2 month old nephew anywhere, he's afraid of people lol

  2. Wow

  3. hhaaahahaha thats cute

  4. hehe

  5. Cool.

  6. haha



  7. haha funny

  8. heres a star GREAT  BEST 1 YET

  9. Wow...That is very interesting. *chuckles*

  10. hahahahaha! I love it! Keep up the good jokes! Here's a star!

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