
Here is a riddle for you to think about.?

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Riddle me this riddle me that. I have a riddle I want you to try and figure out: A businessman breaks down on the side of the road one cold and rainy night. There's a gas station about 7 miles behind him or a house a couple miles down the road so he chooses to go to the house. He knocks on the door and man answers so the door. The businessman tells him his car broke down and wants to know if the guy can help. The guy is like, oh yeah, I used to be a mechanic so you can stay here tonight and then tomorrow I will drive you into town and get the parts to fix your car. So the businessman accepts and the guy shows him to the spare bedroom where he puts his stuff down. When the man goes to hang up his coat in the closet, he discovers he's going to die that night. How does he know he's going to die??




  1. He finds a dead mechanic in the closet.

  2. becuase his wife Wonder where he is and shes gonna kill him cuz he not there

  3. He had a premonition

  4. It was Proffesser Plum in the closet with the lead pipe.

  5. The man is black. In the closet, he sees the man's Ku Klux Klan robes.  

  6. the guy at the house wouldnt know what parts to get for the car. so why would he go into town for them. idk. this is tricky.

    or maybe the guy knows he is going to be killed because if the guy who lives in the house is a mechanic. why is he not working at the gas station.

    or why wouldnt the guy who lives in the house. just go to the gas station for the parts that he needs for the car.

  7. The man that is having car trouble (who is black) notices the white robes of the Ku Klux Klan in the closet.

  8. i hav no idea    this is a hard one

  9. the man who let him in was actually a serial killer. so when the man hung up his coat he saw the guy who let him in holding a weapon? idk

    or maybe the serial killer is in the closet?????????

  10. Theres a bees nest in the closet and he has an allergy :S

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