
Here is an interesting question?

by Guest21358  |  earlier

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so I was wondering, can you order something at, say, a music/movies/computer game store, at the desk, and pay cash. or is there some credit card requirement? I am new to this so please no rude coments.




  1. your question was in no way interesting. to avoid rude answers in the future, simply ask the question.

  2. Most retail stores still accept cash unless you are signing up for a service - like wine of the month club or something where there can be future debts incurred by you.  But if you want to simply buy software or hardware and you have the cash to pay for it they'll gladly take it.

  3. Thankfully all the game stores I'm familiar with still take cash. I hardly ever use a credit card for anything if I can help it. Just call me old fashioned if a person can be called old fashioned while playing computer/video games.

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