
Here is an interesting study on the top ten things women were found better at then their male counterparts;?

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Read it and lets discuss; what do you think of the studies?




  1. You call that "a study"?

    Looks more like a viral joke email to me.

  2. I had an electronics instructor (male) who told his class that when it came to building circuit boards, the female students were more likely to get them to work properly the first time they were tested. That's because they are less likely than the males to take shortcuts, copy from other students, and actually took the time to make sure the parts were correctly in place before testing them.

    To some of the male posters, grow up. Either learn to offer an intelligent and coherent contrary opinion or don't bother posting at all. You may not realize that there are people on here who are much older than you are and see your comments as being incredibly childish and stupid.

  3. I agree with many of the points.  But I disagree with points 3 and 8.  This based on many experiences that I have had.  

    On point 3, I think that women will cooperate well many time with men, but especially in the workplace, time and again the worst problems I have seen are between women.  Many times I have observed women "trying to kill off" a fellow female employee.  They try to make the other woman look bad to the point of trying to get the other woman fired.  When I was in a supervisory position I would have to referee fights between two women probably 3 times as often as between 2 men or a man and woman.

    On point 8, I feel it depends on what type of learning you are talking about.  It is my belief that the american education system is very biased against males, especially at young ages.  I think the measurements also are many times biased towards females.  So while their research cited may show this, I would question what the research is actually measuring and whether it follows the  bias by measuring what the existing biased system accomplishes.

  4. Actually, it's not a study, but a report on some studies. Not sure I buy the conclusions drawn in all of them -- some seem to go far beyond what the evidence shows. (For instance, there could be a lot of reasons besides better driving for more men dying from car accidents -- lower recovery rates, for instance. There's also no knowing whose driving was likliest to cause the accidents.)

    However, I thought you'd be interested in this science news item I saw earlier today:

    In countries where women occupy an equal position to men in society, such as Sweden, there was virtually no gender gap in maths ability. However, in countries with lower levels of gender equality, such as Turkey, the boys performed better in maths tests than the girls.

    "The gender gap in mathematics doesn't seem to be a feature of every society," says Sapienza.

    What's more, the girls produced better reading scores than the boys in all the countries looked at, but did even better in countries with higher levels of gender equality.

    ----- [end quote]

    So, the much vaunted (especially by the misogynists on this site) "math superiority" may be completely bogus!

    I did want to point out, as well, that in all such "differences" it's not true that all members of one s*x are better at x than all members of the other, and that the overlap between the two sexes AND the variability within each s*x is greater than the difference in measures of center between the two sexes.

    Finally, the article didn't say "TOP Ten" but merely, here ARE ten things ....

    PS, yes, it's sad to see all the "It must be bull!" and "Women must have done the studies" (which is clearly not true, if you actually READ the article).

  5. Doesn't look like a study to me.   And it seem like you're not interesting in hearing other opinions.  You attack those who disagree with you.

  6. That was an interesting article. Women tend to be more detail-oriented than men, therefore might focus on the little things in relationships that make it good, rather than more obvious pitfalls.

    Other interesting facts: Women have a better rockclimbing ability than men, because their muscles are smaller, so their muscles don't restrict as much bloodflow when they flex. Women also have a better center of gravity, because their upper and lower halves are more proportionate in strength and size (when comparing two healthy people).

  7. oh, come on, only 10?

  8. 1.      Women drive better than men.  Simply wrong.  Saying that just because men die more in car accidents means that women are better drivers is extremely fallacious.  It could also be that the female body can survive car crashes better or they are more likely to be saved by a bystander.

       2.      Women remember appearances better than men.  Probably true, unless it's a hot women.  Then men take the gold in that section.

       3.      Women cooperate better than men.  Only when none of them are better looking than the others.  Which is virtually impossible.

       4.      Women eat better than men.  Actually, meat is a very good food for your diet.  Perhaps not fatty burger, but steak, chicken, and fish are great.  Pasta on the other hand, that's how you get a big belly.

       5.      Women perform better than men in timed tests.  Haha!  Sure, if you pick a bunch of guys who just drank a few tankards of beer.  There are many other factors to this, as well that I wont even bother getting into.

       6.      Women perceive their relationships better than men.  That's because men have better things to do than dwell on their relationships all day.  Like making the world work.  Building societies.  Stuff like that.

       7.      Women communicate better than men.  Replace the word 'can' with 'say' and we have something more along the lines of reality.  That being said, more words to say the same thing = worse at communicating.

       8.      Women learn better than men.  Actually, women just do what they're told better than men, and this is the real reason why girls have better grades.

       9.      Women invest better than men.  Sure if you take a group where only the good ones bother to do it and then a group where they're all expected to do it, you're going to get some odd numbers.

      10.      Women cope with stress better than men.  Haha!  Sure, wine coolers, ice cream, and chocolate are a great way to cope with stress.  Nice and fattening.  Forget about working out, sports, and other healthy physical activities.

  9. Point 5 is really interesting...

    "Women perform better than men in timed tests.

    So if time is precious, women are better at preserving it than men. A study by Vanderbilt University researchers in 2006 found that women score better in timed intelligence tests than men. The study, published in the May-June issue of the journal Intelligence, didn't find much difference in un-timed tests, which meant women had a quicker mind."

    And yet I always heard women were better at coursework and men were better at exams, which I couldn't understand as I prefer exams.  Thanks for the link :-)

    Edit - I'm loving how university research isn't 'good enough' for some people - you think market research would be more convincing?  :-)

    Edit - Tehabwa - fascinating link!

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