
Here is another poem i wrote let me know what you think?

by  |  earlier

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in the blink of an eye

from birth to death

as i stare up at the blissful sky

my life flashed before my eyes

the good times i once had now just a memory

the ones i once loved now just an illusion

as i come back to my senses

the blissful sky that once was

is now just despair

the stars that once shined

have now burned out and died

the grass i had once layed on

now nothing but ash

the moon that had once put a glow on my face

was now shattered and broken

as the tears begin to fall from my broken soul

i sit up and wonder

is this my fate?




  1. The poem was written well but you have to relize that you can choose if that is your fate. There is always something to live for!

  2. A tiny bit like ee cummings who did not use capital letters either.

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