
Here is something discusting my friend did, do you think this is discusting?

by  |  earlier

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(my friend went in the bathroom, and was making f**t sounds on the toilet and diarhea sounds, it was crystal clear quiet in my house, and all i herd was squirt sounds in the bathroom.....then i herd the toilet flush and not even half a second after the toilet flush my friend opened the bathroom door and walked out.....he didn't wash his hands after using that bathroom, isn't that gross?)




  1. don't hold hands with him then

  2. He's just jokeing around... it was probably kinda funny... well, if it was done right that is.  Was he actually making the f**t sounds, or just pretending to?  

  3. that is disgusting

    make him leave

    or wash his hands

  4. no thats funny..

  5. totally!

  6. that is totally nasty. My two year old doesn't even leave the bathroom with out washing his hands first. I would have told him to go back and wash his hands.  :oC

  7. YUCK!

  8. eww your supposed to wash your hands every time..

    thats just gross.

  9. yeah, thats pretty gross. but most guys i know are too lazy to wash there hands.

  10. That is really disgusting.

  11. yes i think that is disgusting

  12. that's discusting

  13. if it was a jke then no if he was actually having a dump yes !

  14. Nobody needed to know that...  

  15. Yes, it is gross and unsanitary, to say the least. You should have met the "friend" at the doorway, and told him to go back and wash his hands. I wouldn't have let him out until he complied.

  16. what's "disgusting" is that you listened!

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