1. Freedom of Religon. A small fraction of a powerful religous group is attempting to force us to pray like them by forcing our children to pray (their way) in public schools. This faction is quite blatent about enacting laws based on 'what the bible says'. I.e. legality of tattoos case in point.
2. Reverting to a system of Royalty Wealth is polorizing into the hands of a powerful few at the expense of the common person. After siphoning off more than their share of the public wealth, they intrude on government. Gvt is about the people, by the people and for the people, not the corporation.
3. Lethargy on the part of the voter. It is the uneducated, emotional voter who is unaware of the basic principles of the constitution who are it's greatest threat. You can't blame ther politicians anymore than you can blame a snake for being the snake. Democracy is about responsibility as much as 'rights' and many voters do not understand this.