
Here the list of prohibitions concerning the Palestinians, according to the OCHA. Is this Apartheid?

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(Office of the United Nations for the coordination of the humane businesses) permanent Prohibitions: - the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip cannot remain in the West Bank; the Palestinians do not have the right to enter Jerusalem-est; - those of the West Bank cannot enter Gaza by the point of control of Erez; - they cannot go in the valley of the Jordan; - they have prohibition to go in the villages, the grounds, the cities and the neighbourhoods of the zone (seam line) located between the partition wall and the "green line"; - they do not have the right to enter the colonies (even if their grounds are inside the colonized zone); - they do not have the right to enter by car to Nablus; - the Palestinians residing in Jerusalem cannot go in zone A (in the Palestinian cities of the West Bank); - those of the Gaza Strip have prohibition to enter to the West Bank by the check-point of Allenby (Jordanian border)




  1. The Arabs have never made a single move towards peace.  All they do is issue vicious propaganda and incite violence in their schools.  

    They could have had a state under the '47 partition, but they cared more about killing Jews than they did about creating such a state - and they still do.  In their eyes back then, there was no reason for a Palestinian state because there was no such thing as a "Palestinian."  The entire identity was created for political, propagandist reasons, i.e. to villify Israel.

    This "question" is carefully and selectively presented material, just another example of the Arab propaganda machine.

  2. Yes.


  3. tawfik sadly you going to get all this anti Palestinians views on this. They put all Palestinians in one boat. Say they make bombs etc. They haven't a clue about the history or Palestine. Because America support Israel they fund it. Not American here.

  4. As I already said yes...According to John Dugard,an UN human rights envoy Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories can be compared to an apartheid.

    "The UN's Special Rapporteur, John Dugard, describes the regime as being designed to dominate and systematically oppress the occupied population.

    Mr Dugard is a South African professor of international law assigned to monitor Israeli human rights abuses.

    He has extensively studied apartheid in South Africa and has compared it to what he saw under Israeli rule. "

  5. Yeah, but it's more than that. It's also a systematic, but slow, campaign to steal more Arab land.

  6. There are aprox 1,000,000 Arab citizens of Israel. There are zero Jewish citizens of Jordan, Saudi Arabia & many other Arab coubtries. Who is practicing apartheid? Facts are our friends.

  7. Uncleslam, if I have to listen to that bullsh*t about how the Israelis "made an oasis out of a desert" ONE more freaking time, I'll puke.    Get your FACTS straight....I'll bet my life YOU weren't there before 1948.   I knew people that WERE.

    Tawfik:   it's worse than apartheid.    It's attempted genocide, which anyone in the world except an American or an Israeli would agree with.

  8. "Maybe if some Palestinians would stop strapping nails and TNT to their chests, things would change. I see nothing wrong with keeping animals caged up."

    Maybe thats why they are bombing them, because of occupation. The Jews are treating them as animals. The Palestinians are people just like everybody else.

  9. Ask any kid in the world to day about the Holy land issue he will tell you that Israel want to keep occupying land that was never part of Israel and there is no single country is willing to recognize that land is part of Israel. If you do not know that fact by now its time you do. No more propaganda please.

  10. Thanks,  but .... more and more.... you see !

    Now the live in Gaza is impossible for all the poor people.

  11. ask the UNHRC but besure you look at who chairs it first for any thing reguarding human rights

  12. Go live in Palestine, Gypsy, you're not a true American anyway.

  13. What the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians is a form of apartheid.  Jews are not entitled to land simply because some ancient book says so.  I'm Catholic and I believe this.  The Palestinians deserve their land back.

  14. it's Apartheid par excellence. remember that the UN General Assembly passed resolution 3379 (Nov. 10, 1975) equating Zionism with racism and racial discrimination, that is before the resolution was eliminated under pressure from the US.

    the very foundation of the state of Israel was possible only through ethnic cleansing, and this is not the Palestinian narrative, but what Israel historians say (see for example Benny Morris and Ilan Pappe).

  15. First of all, generally speaking, there are aspects which I don't understand how they are connected to Apartheid, or let's say, to Segregation.

    The second thing is, that the Palestinian side should show some desire for peace too, and then it will enjoy more freedom.

  16. Maybe if some Palestinians would stop strapping nails and TNT to their chests, things would change.  I see nothing wrong with keeping animals caged up.

    The good Palestinians need to start making headlines by rousting out the bad ones.  Through positive civil action, good change for all in the Middle East can come.  The ball is really in the Arabian court.

  17. There is that small matter of the UN in 1947 trying to do what was best for all parties involved ( you sound like one of those big UN supporter's) and give some of the historical land claimed by both parties to each but one side chose war. I guess it doesn't matter that one side, the Arab side has 21 nation's in their group, none Democratic, none who govern by Human right's principles and you have Israel, a Democracy who support's universal human right's for people who do not want to destroy it. You do know that there are Arab's that vote in Israel don't you? Want to take a guess on how many Jew's vote in those 21 Arab nation's? I often wonder how American's come to be on the side of the barbarian's (in my opinion) the people who are less like us and our values and against the people most like us who live in the 21st century, made an oasis out of the desert you say nobody in their right mind would want to live in, but then I remember, they even have a word for it, Anti Semitic!

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