
Here we go again--hillary's going to take care of this country's health care...HOW?

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I'd like to know how she's going to "FIX" health care...this woman is so condecending,she's totally annoying---if I want this type of person to run our country--I,personally,would have prefered Leona Helmsley to run--at least she had buisness savy----and knew how to "delagate" her "Little People"




  1. She's not that is just a lie to get in office...once in all promise go out the with any election...I have never seen them keep any of the promises they have made

  2. watch your wallet because she is coming after

    lots of fixin coming up

  3. Hillary is going to run this Country into the ground if she has the opportunity.  Her ideas are scary.  She is annoying and screams like a shrew when she is giving a speech.  She changes her opinions depending on the polls; one day it is one way, the next day, the opposite.  I cannot imagine her running this Country in time of war.  She talks about respecting our servicemen and women yet when she and Bill were in the White House, they banned all servicemen and women from wearing uniforms in the White House.  She has no respect for the military.  As far as Hillary is concerned, everyone is beneath her.  She is evil and I hope she doesn't have the opportunity to run the Country.  It would be the biggest mistake we could ever make.

  4. Good comparison!  Hillary and Leona Helmsley.  I like it.

  5. I know, she promised Health care last time she was on the pulpet.  Funny thing, she's taking campaign contributions from insurance companies, so I know that's not going to happen, they're already lobbying her.

  6. Who cares what she says. she´s not gonna be elected president anytime soon.

  7. There are problems in the U.S. health care system but they are caused BY GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS. If you truly want to "fix" health care in the United States you should deregulate it. There are some great articles on this via

  8. The health care in our country has been politicians forums for as long as I can remember.  It all takes organization and money.  Someone has to loose out and it would be our big insurance companies.  Can we change that?  Those companies are a monolopy on their own.  She better have it written in stone to get my vote.

  9. Well, of course you think that this is sort of an amusing bit of political chatter.  If you're on your parents' health insurance, it's just something else for Rush Limbaugh to yell about.  

    For the rest of us adults, though, it's serious.  In Mr Clinton's administration, the insurance companies ganged together to form a campaign to kill any Federal health insurance plan, and they're doing so once again.  But this time they've lost the support of the AMA--physicians themselves are having trouble getting health insurance, and the hospitals and labs and pharmacies don't give them a discount.  

    Massachusetts (under Governor Mitt Romney) has developed a state-wide health-care plan that uses a combination of state and private insurance companies.  We're going to need something similar here, at the very least.  

    No matter who you are, you're affected by the availability of health care.  Chances are, even if you're a young person, you're going to have to buy health insurance soon, and it won't be cheap.  Your employer won't supply it, and if you're in college they may cease supplying it as well.  Have fun.

  10. Health care is only a debate issue, much like taxation, education reform.  It sounds just lovely when you say, "BETTER HEALTHCARE FOR US ALL", over the podium, but it does not sound so good when you have to work out the details.  For those influenced by one minute soundbites it is a great strategy, for those of us who want a plan...Lets just hope there are more of us than those who just want a pretty answer and a expensive suit.

  11. She's NOT. Her and the BJ king couldn't take care of that for the 8 years he was in office. They think people are stupid and forget............

  12. Of course she says she's gonna fix it. That BS helped get her husband elected and ...need I say more?

  13. If she had a detailed proposal available would you actually read it before deciding if it was a good idea or not?  Or do you just want to hurl childish insults?

  14. By having government steal all the remaining money you earn. Same way the government has "fixed" every other problem they think we have. They have run social security into the ground and now they want to do health care. No thanks.

  15. i know! if george bush (k, bad example) promised to lower gas prices, but then they went up (another bad example, just dont yell at me k?)  does that mean that since hilary promised to fix the health care problem, does that mean shes going to make it worse?

    geez, im so tired of these presidents that make promises and dont keep them!

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