
Heres a question that the government deosnt wanna hear?

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why are we americans so dependent on gas, we all know there are electric cars out there, so why wont they release them in the usa i mean i read that theres also hydro cars that run on water in other countries, why are we forced to use gas powered vehicles?




  1. because the us govt is so stupid. we are forced to use all hydo cars and electric cars because the government thinks the only way to go green is using biofuels and thats not right, because biofules are doing  harm to the environment..

  2. We actually DON'T have good electric car technology. It is far more difficult to store energy in a battery than it is in a gasoline tank. The best battery-powered cars have a range of about 40 miles; that won't be very handy if you want to drive to visit your grandmother, two states over.  There is no such thing as a car that runs on water.

  3. Where are there electric cars out there the government wont let you have? What brand? What country?


    from a coal or gas fired power plant that's where.

    WHERE IS THERE A SINGLE CAR ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD THAT RUNS ON WATER? Only on the Internet in people's imagination........yes, you can separate hydrogen from oxygen ( H2O = water) but you use more energy to do so than you produce.

  4. cars do not run on water...they can use a fuel cell that creates electricity from hydrogen. but it takes initial energy for the electrolysis of water to break the hydrogen and oxygen bond usually coming from coal burning electric plants.

    hydrogen fuel cell cars are one of the least efficient alternative fuels

    anyways as for an electric car if you see who killed the electric car then you would know its a little of everyone's fault, from car companies not making much money on the maintenance, to the oil companies losing trillions of $$ of profit, to the government losing money from lobbist, to the consumers wanting technology to be "perfect" from the start 300mile ranges, quick charges, big suvs etc...

    can you believe even with gas prices the way it is i still see SINGLE people buying SUV!?!?!? you got to admit consumers are partially to blame for this

    and its not like they will not release electric cars chevy volt is coming, telsa has some stuff, phoniex, rumors of and electric prius etc...they just are a new technology a more expensive than a regular car and stuff so consumers are a lil skeptical.

    but i think electric is a good route to go.

    by the way have you seen the air car?

    and heres my political 2 cents:

    about this particular subject i think obama is handling it the best, followed by clinton and dead last its bush III.... i mean mcsame.... i mean mcclain

    mcclain solution is to cut the federal tax in gas from memorial day to labor day. wow thats a great solution federal tax is around 18cents. memorial day to labor day is about 15 weeks. if i use 20 gallons a week. imma save an amazing $54!!!! economic relief here we come!!! but doesnt those taxes go to highway funding?? i guess the highways can fix themselves within those months

    clinton it gets a little better she wants the same tax holiday but  tax the profits of the oil companies to go into the highway funds. at least her plan maintains our roads but its still only a $30-$50 saving for an average person over the summer. nothin like a temporary solution for an EVERLASTING problem

    now obama wants to spend money on alternative fuels which would break our dependency on foreign oil AND create jobs in the US oppose to sending trillions of dollars to a lot of countries that hate us.

  5. The basic truth is that Corporate America has a lot of control in our house, senate and other government seats.  Even presidential candidates receive donations from big oil companies, so they can never directly go against it.  

    The electric car was actually released by GM in the late 80's and early 90's and was a HUGE hit, but since GM also owns oil companies, they were facing a larger loss then a gain.  So they stopped production and took all electric cars back in their possesion, since none of the cars were sold, only leased.  

    Also the water car isn't totally 100%  working.  

    Hydrogen cars, also known as fuel cell, are currently to expensive to sell to over half of America and a method to safely hold the hydrogen has still not totally been conceived.  

    Biofuels (ethanol)  is corn based gas and is usually known as the best alternative at the moment.  But this is actually a lie.  Since the methods to grow, harvest and produce, usually will cause more of a harm.   Corn uses both irrigation, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer, which will then become run off and affect our ecosystem even more.  Also it hurts the economy,  if you haven't noticed grocerys have gone up in price due to the fact that many farmers will make more of a profit selling to gas companies then selling to grocery stores.....  

       And many people consider it inmoral.  Just this week the U.N.  confronted Brazil, largest producer of biofuels, about the inhuman way of using food for fuel while millions of people around the world are starving.  

    Right now the "greenest"  way of driving is getting a hybrid and carpooling, and driving less frequently

  6. go to a different country and get a hydro/electric car, look at the price, then buy one and bring it back, think how long itll take before that thing is stolen...

  7. There's the problem where gas companies are sabotaging these cars becuase they want to keep in business.  We are so dependent on gas because its the only fuel we have at the moment.  They may not have completely finished their studies on making these cars yet, they may want to make sure they are safe for people to use.

  8. we're not forced to use gas powered appliances or whatever you call it... if you can affored one that ran by electric such as cars why not buy one?

  9. its true their is cars that can run with a hydrogen fuel cell.ever thought about a solar panel on the roof of you car.electric car was killed by the government.

  10. Yeah I know,

    This world is killing itself and will be destroyed Were killing it

    I've decided to not have children because I wouldn't want them or their children to suffer.

  11. I heard that if everyone for just one day would not buy gas that that would help break the cycle of high gas.If this is true and everyone really is sick of the gas prices then the government is not the only one who is stupid.But I do not know if it is true.

  12. What u are reading is a lie. At the present technology it is not practical to do that. Caution :::hydrogen id the most explosive gas on earth. If someone has a accident it could kill many.

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