i got a letter from them that says this: "Open positions from a small logistics company; Hi, if you are interested in a well-paid part-time(2-3 hours a day) job in a largetransportation & logistics company please contact me at luckyedeal@gmail.com With best regards, MelissaProject manager, EV Logistics Company" then "Regional Manager (at Home) Requirements: - Resident of The United States; - Basic knowledge of Microsoft Word; - Home Computer with e-mail account and ability to check your e-mail box at least twice a day; - printer; - Adults only accepted (we cannot hire underage people); - 1-3 hours free during the week (mainly in the evening / non-business hours) for communication and 4-5 hours a week more for package processing; - Ability to handle packages weight up to 20 pounds(get them to the post office) - No criminal records(your background will be verified) Terms & Conditions: -no office work -no need in special financial skills -flexible Timetable:You choose work time yourself"