
Heres an interesting quiz to find out your political ideology?

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  1. libertarian left hugging the fence of authoritarian left, I had Ghandi and Castro on my certificate.  Am I really that freakin complicated?  But I have heard that this whole left and right conflict is just another divide and conquer tool to keep us "proles" divided and bickering amongst ourselves.  Hopefully the questions weren't too loaded.  Thanks though, very interesting.

  2. Libertarian  Long quiz!

  3. Libertarian left - right next to Gandhi

  4. I came up as upper left- what a joke!

  5. Economic Left/Right: -4.00

    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.03

    Practically on top of Ghandi's dot.


    He was a great man.

  6. Dead center on the left-right axis, three blocks south on the authoritarian-libertarian axis. I always wonder about these forced-choice polls, and this one seems to have questions that were (probably purposefully) phrased as if asked by an extremist trying to force an answer with which one is uncomfortable.

  7. 4.88 right

    .38 up

    Oh, and I agree.   There should have been a neutral button of some kind.

  8. Economic Left/Right: -2.50

    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.13.

    Fun test, I had both Gandhi and Stalin for my certificate.

  9. Wow! I'm right there with Pope XVI. LOL

  10. Economic Left/Right: 3.25

    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.23

    I would say I am probably a little more libertarian than only slightly but it seems about right on right.

  11. Geez, I'm right there with Gandhi and Mandela...oh, and the Dalai Lama...

  12. This is OK for a 30 second sound bite.

    It is to short and the framing of the questions can and are made to fit a certain format to reach a desired goal.

    Reading many of these it leaves no room for thought as life is not black and white but with many shades of gray and many other hues. So I found myself boxed in by doing this and felt it is not a true sample of ones mind or at least mine. I feel each subject must be taken in to account for what it is and accordingly dealt with as such.

    I by this test come out Economic left right 2.12

    and Social Libertarian/ Authoritarian 0.15

    very close to the middle which is some what correct as history shows the parties have flipped on ideology and the left projects itself to destroy the right. But no one is right and each must be kept on a leash held by the people to ensure a Representative democracy.

    Very good one here but I wounder how many take this to heart?

  13. Economic Left/Right: -2.12

    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.18

    According to this, I'm a slightly left-leaning, slightly authoritarian Libertarian.

    If only it were accurate ...

    the only thing missing from this questionairre is the "neutral" button. There were several questions where neither "Agree" nor "Disagree" satisfied my personal choices.

  14. Social Libertarian/Authoritarian, Interesting, thanks.

  15. Economic Left/Right:

    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian

  16. economic left/right: -1.38

    social libertarian/authoritarian: -1.90

  17. Geez, I thought I was back at High school.  

    I'm a COMMUNIST!!!!  Authoritarian left.   Darn you're going to hate me   : (

    I'm actually very close to the middle .  

    I'm a registered Republican and Rarely vote Dem.  THe Dems  here in California is a bit further to the Left than the average though.  I haven't voted Republican for a while because I can't stand Neo Cons.   I took another quiz and I was described closer to a New Dealer Democrat.  Most people consider me a Liberatarian, because neither party wants to be associated with me, but I found The Republicans more accepting.   Democrats I know, tend to yell at me, if I decide to think for my self.

    Edit:  I agree with WWD, I feel the questions are politically motivated and some of the question makes certain choices feel sinister.

  18. Libertarian Right

  19. Right in the middle on the Authoritarian and Libertarian axis and one line to the left on the Liberal/Conservative line.  And I am a conservative Republican so I guess I really am a compassionate conservative.

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