
Heres my dilema?

by  |  earlier

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i have an old computer (compaq desktop) and my mom has a wireless router. In my room there is no way to hook up an ethernet cable to the wall, how do i hook it up to the internet




  1. Purchase a USB Wireless NIC and install it.

    After you do that you'll be able to join the wireless network that your mom has and be able to get out to the internet.

  2. You may find the right wireless adapter on ebay for less, after you google to find out which one you need:

    Also, talk with Best Buy representative to discover their recomendations.


  3. If you use the internet a lot, and the wireless will be your only way of connecting, i'd spend a little more $$ and get a PCI wireless card, they can be more stable and get better signal. USB wireless adapters can be a lot cheaper and a lot easier to install though.
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