
Heres one for the scientists, atheists?

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T.R. now you know how it feels, you just stated you believed we went to the moon based on the evidence you have seen? are you privvy to NASA records? I have a point to make here.




  1. Easy.

    1)  We brought back rocks.  Those rocks could not have been formed in any environment on Earth.  

    2)  We left a mirror there that you can reflect a laser off of, and we told everyone exactly where it was.  Point a laser at any other part, ANY part, of the Moon's surface and you don't get it back.  Only from that mirror we left.  It could only be done by artificial technology.

    3)  The spacecraft were tracked the entire way to the Moon and back, not only by the US, but the Russians.  That's the kind of evidence we accept.

  2. Thank you for posting an interesting question. Obviously it can not be answered in any reasonable way. However, I think that most people on YA already share the opinion that the tight network of debunkers on here aren't men of reason in their standards or practices. Of course that's just my opinion/belief.

    In fairness though it would be nice to see the debunkers actually attempt to contribute to science by suggesting ideas that might improve investigations or experiments.

    Hope springs eternal.

  3. next, you will be asking for people to prove the holocaust happened.

  4. This is a fun little exercise.  I understand what you mean when you ask it.

    How do I know we went to the moon?  First of all, I know space travel is possible.  It happens all the time.  That I am positive of.  Secondly, I know that once in space it's possible to calculate a trajectory that would bring a space craft into the moon's orbit.  Thirdly, I know we have the technology to land on the moon once we're there.

    In other words, it's about possibility and probability.  It's possible to do because there are no laws of physics that are in any way broken and, given the international attention it has received, it's not improbable that NASA pulled it off.  The Soviets had plenty of motivation to expose any sort of hoax.  They were fully aware what it is we were doing and, as far as I know, didn't make any attempt to claim we didn't really land on the moon.

    Also, we *built* this program with technology we developed.  We created this.  This was not some found phenomenon we're looking to explain, so it's not as if the existence of space travel is relying on eyewitness accounts as to whether or not it exists.  It is a fact that we are able to visit the moon, even if the whole thing was a hoax.

    In closing, there really hasn't been much speculation as to whether or not the US landed men on the moon.  There is perhaps one fanatic and a few handfuls of fringe conspiracy people out there.  This skepticism has been thoroughly debunked.

    EDIT: The VA Belt isn't all that bad.  It can kill you if you hang out in it, but as fast as the astronauts went through it, it will probably only increase their chance for cancer.  Check out the following link for an above my head explanation by a guy who works for the JPL at CalTech.

    EDIT: Denie, I hope you aren't talking about Jimmy Carter.  He has explicitly stated that he saw a UFO, but never at any time believed he witnessed an extraterrestrial spacecraft.

  5. Well, I don't think your question is well posed. That's because we really can't prove anything, in the epistemological sense. After all, you can keep questioning our sense of reality to the point where we really can't show that we exist at all.

    Science is not about proof, however, but about evidence and probability. Regarding evidence, I have witnessed overwhelming credible and confirmed evidence (not proof, but evidence) that we went to the moon in addition to understanding the physics involved, so I don't spend any time questioning it. I find it to be exceedingly likely that we did go to the moon. If someone wants to doubt that we went to the moon, they can and I won't hassle them. My own brother-in-law, an intelligent chemical engineer, thinks the moon landing was a hoax. His wife laughs about it, and I got a chuckle out of it too, but I won't bring it up with him. What's the point? I don't want to cause bad feelings and no good would really come of it.

    EDIT: Yes, I realize the point you're trying to make, but I think it is misplaced. Again, science is about evidence and probability, not proof, and this is why your point doesn't really make sense to me. Like I said, those who doubt the moon missions can do so if they wish.

  6. There have been reflective mirrors placed on the moon by astronauts so we can reflect lasers from earth off them and accurately measure the distance between the earth and moon. So yes there is physical evidence that can be seen from earth.

    The Russians didn't go because they had no money to develop the technology to get there. They spent it all developing ballistic nuclear weapons instead.

    People are so easly lead. They will belive that we can change the weather in a global scale but cannot beleive that we have been to the moon?????

  7. This is a difficult question,with all the rules and all.First the Eyewitness testimony.I've said it was unreliable.Ask any cop they'll tell you the same thing.Interview 5 people about the same car accident.You'll likely get 5 different versions.5 Yankee fans see Jeter thrown out at second on a close play.He was safe,they'll all swear to it.All I mean the brain is not a camera.People don't have to be lying to get things wrong.The Apollo program went to the moon 6 times.If it were a hoax certainly one time would be enough.The USSR didn't go for a simple reason.They didn't have the technology or the 20 Billion(that's 1960-70's money) the US spent to get there.I don't believe it was a hoax for another reason.I've said this before,at most 3 people can keep a secret.If 2 of them are dead.Now as far as comparing the space program to ghosts.If a few thousand Rocket scientists spent 20 billion investigating ghosts.Then came back with a report saying they've proved ghosts exist.I would believe them and admit I was wrong all along.Heck,I'll bet Peter and TR would start a paranormal investigating outfit.Thanks

    Edit.There are explanations for the UFO's.I don't know what UFO's are.Should we just accept your information about Cops and Ghosts?Or just take it as truth.How could I propose an alternate explanation.I think you agree with me.Most of the tales on this site are made up nonsense.I see that in your answers.How do we tell what people honestly think is real?Psiexp accuses us of just debunking without offering explanations.To what?How when any other explanation is debunking?

  8. nice one, goes both ways doesnt it

  9. You're only making things worse for yourself.  If you can't believe we went to the moon based on our existing technology and capabilities even as China is doing so as we write these posts, how will you ever believe in ghosts for which the evidence is far flimsier?

    Sorry, you lose!

  10. And then there was just this hollow sound, as they all walked out of the room!  One thumb up.

  11. nuff...I know what you mean. That's what I say...there are so many camera tricks they can do these days...even when you see it on can you  know.?..just like Cris Angel. Maybe the audience is planted there and told what to do. But I believe we went to the moon because reputable people say it's so.  But reputable people who see ghosts etc. won't tell. It would ruin their reputation. It's a "catch 22". At least we've had some politicians admit that they saw ufos.

  12. They put mirrors and other things on the moon, you can see them, thats some physical evidence. But the problem is, your restrictions on the evidence you want are unreasonable, it gives room for almost nothing. It ensures that you wont get any good responses,

  13. We did go back, look it up.

    If we did not go, the Russians would have been all over us and they did nothing.

    The transmission was documented as coming from the mon , not earth. Proven fact.

    YOu can use google moon and see the flag.

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