
Heres why people should stop waistin there time on the Equal pay act. Long read but worth it. Opinions please?

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Do women get paid less because they are women.....really. If so why don't they sue there employee for s*x discrimination ? My opinion there will always be a wage gap. Women drop out and come back in the work force WAayy MMore than guys. Sometime women drop out for years. Most women wouldnt think twice about being a stay at home mom/dropping out job once they have a kid. For women that don't have a kid yet men tend to make more still because they more aggressive negotiators in interview and year reviews. More women seem to not know they can negotiate or just to scared to and just accept the offer that handed to them( By the way Im not saying all men know how to negotiate just more men do it than women). Also even if there starting to be more and more single parent homes there still WAYYY more financial pressure on men. Either they have to pay Child support, thinking he's going to have to CARRY he's family once he has one, impress women and etc.




  1. Read the whole thing:

    The part about the wage gap under Feminist Stats and Facts is worth reading.


    - Single women make 118% of the money single men do.

    - Female statisticians are paid more than male ones.

    A few things to ponder:

    - If women are really paid less than men for the same work, why would any employer hire men? Capitalism looks to save money, not spend it.

    - Can a woman who's re-entering the workforce after pregnancy expect the same salary as the male counterpart she used to work with before taking time off? This is much more common than feminists make it out to be. The others would obviously be ahead in salary because they were available.

    - How many women are there in the high-paying professions? Jobs like CEO, top execs require sacrificing family time, which women find hard to give up.

    - How many women hold the dangerous jobs as compared to men?

    Men are more agressive in negotiating a raise than women are. They also are more willing to work overtime and take up dangerous jobs and jobs that leave little time for family. So, they get paid more. Should we be surprised at that?

    Sure, there may be a few isolated cases of real discrimination, but is strict legal intervention and positive discrimination needed? I don't think so.

    "A man does not have to work as as hard as a woman in any job. The man always gets paid more. "

    paintedhorse, I beg to differ. The facts say different.

  2. The Equal Pay Act deals with the wage discrimination that DOES exist. It's not a complete myth.

  3. You are wrong, really wrong.  I've been the workforce a lot longer than you.  First of all there is no negotiating a salary when you get hired.  They hire you then tell you what they are going to pay you.  Second of all HARD WORK HAS NOTHING to do with it.  Nothing at all.  A man does not have to work as as hard as a woman in any job.  The man always gets paid more.  

    The last place I worked, all the guys in their 20's, every single one of them were out sick at least a couple a times a month.  If not more. I'm a middle-aged women and I was never sick.  Where do you get your statistics from?

  4. this is a question of generalities that is going to be answered with generalities and is governed by generalities. every situation is different because people are different. every employer and every employee has their own feeling as to what is fair. the problem is how to write a single law that will cover all situations. so far we have failed, that's why we have courts. there are other methods of righting injustices but they are many as are the situations that bring them to being. in the meantime, everyone who fights to resolve one of these wrongs is bringing us one step closer to the final solution.

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