Well I for one don’t buy one word of this junk science. I watched in amazement the US made a complete fool of itself with the ‘hole in the ozone’ escapade back in the 90’s. Now people with AC in the states pay far more for an inferior coolant than anyone else in the world. And for what? To make Dupont that much more profitable. Did Russia change? No. Did China change? No. Did anyone in South America or Asia, or most of Europe change? No, but the hole seems to have fixed it’s self didn’t it?
So my question for today is, As a vengeful person such as I am when someone try’s to shove something down my throat, What creative ways have you found to fight back against the ‘greenies’ who are trying to force their beliefs, ideals and new age religion down your throat?
I for one love open air burning. We have big campfires every weekend as a family. Not only do we burn the wood to grill over, but when we are finished, we burn our trash as well, all the plastic, paper etc. The only things we can’t burn are the cans, which we make sure, go into the trash. Not the recyclable, but the landfill. I know the fun and time spent with my family doing such things is something they will carry with them for a lifetime, hopefully emulating these same common sense steps.
So what ways having you found to gouge back, even if it’s just a little.