
Hermit Crab??!!?? please help!!!?

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Ok..I have had my hermit crab since May..and it lost 1 of its claws that normal? I feel like its dying..I don't want it to die..its a cool pet..but I don't know much about them..And she(supposin its a she) has slowed down..and doesn't move as much as she used to..instead just gets buried down in a corner of the tank..If you can help please tell me..




  1. You need to keep it healthy with food and plenty of water and buy it some stuff that will help it cure at your local pet store and over time its claw will grow back!

  2. Its okay! Its just re-growing it. or something like

    No, its not dead so just give its plenty of fresh food & water

    & keep the tank moist & humid

  3. Claw loss is not a good sign, crabs do occasinally like to bury themselves though. I suggest you clean your crabitat and bath your brab (don't disturb it if it has buried itself though). Read up on hermit crabs, perhaps join the Hermit Crab Asscotiation. They offer lots of help!

  4. it should be okay because crabs can grow almost any part of there anatomy back if lost or damaged

  5. its not a good thing that she lost her claw but she might be okay i have had hermit crabs to

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