
Hermit Crab purchased few days ago; missing entire set of legs right side; not moving - is he simply dying?

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HELP. I am by no means a Hermit Crab expert and this all started because my 10-year-old son asked if he could get one before leaving the shore last week. We purchased this hermit crab at a Sunsations store in OC, MD and I am positive we purchased him damaged because when we got him home, I noticed his left side contained 3-legs I could see when popping out while the right side only one. From the start, he seemed Lop-sided (spelling!?) Then, 2-days home, his last leg on right side simply falls off!!! Well, besides scaring the c**p out of me, I am seeing that this happens for reasons such as stress, illness etc. My question is, if it's stress or illness, NOW what do I do because he is simply not moving any longer. I will put him in a spot that I note at night, and when I wake, he's exactly where I left him. Therefore, he's not eating, drinking or moving at all. Is this because he can't? Can he move without his set of legs to the right? I tried dipping him in water to prompt and/or help/assist him drinking - nothing. While I think he is dead all the time, I will note the slightest movement (nothing drastic mind you) I see he'll smell terrible if he dies, but I'm here because since I think he's still hanging on (right now anyway, this second!), is there anything at all I can do or is it just a matter of time now. I've read all kinds of websites with similar issues yet nothing on saving them - just how to see if their dead yet. Biggest concern is once they lose limbs and mine in particular, an entire side of them, maybe he can't get around - I just don't know if there's anything I can do, if I should even try, or just wait until he dies sitting there. I'd appreciate any advice or feedback from anyone who had a similar situation or that actually IS a Hermit Crab Expert. I guess if I can help him, I will try. IF I can't, I would rather not wonder this, but know there's nothing I can do now for him. Yes, I know it's just a Hermit Crab but my entire life I believe if you're going to buy an animal, reptile, fish, whatever, you do it right. Otherwise, don't buy them. That's all. I just wish the places that sold Hermit Crabs gave you proper care information which they do not. I also noted (sorry this is so long & jumpy) that their living conditions at these stores are not as they should be according to the experts - obviously they're off to a bad start before people even bring them home. Well, I hope by the time someone replies, he's still showing even the slightest signs of life! Won't he also fall out of his shell if he dies, besides just stinking? I may even be imagining his slightest movements and just hoping he's not dead. BUT he doesn't smell yet. I would hate to rid of him and have any chance he is alive or he could get through this. It looks GRIM though from where I sit or stand!!!




  1. Frankly, land hermit crabs have so little solid veterinary advice available because the knowledge base just doesn't exist yet. The research hasn't been done.

    It sounds like your hermit crab has been seriously mishandled and, honestly, I can't say it seems that he will survive the ordeal. But there is always hope as long as he lives! If he lives to molt, his legs will regrow. With all his legs missing on one side, make sure he is in close proximity to low, reachable dishes containing his food and waters, so he doesn't have to move much to eat and drink. If he has died, you will be able to tell by the rotting-fish smell; he may or may not also slide out of his shell.

    To give your hermit crab the best chance of surviving and recovering, make sure that:

    - Your crab's tank temperature is kept between 75-80 degrees F at all times

    - Your crab's tank humidity level is kept between 75-80 percent at all times

    - Your crab's substrate is damp sand or coconut husk fiber, moistened with distilled or de-chlorinated water ONLY, and twice as deep as his height

    - Your crab has access to de-chlorinated or distilled fresh water, NOT tap water

    - Your crab has access to a cave or similar hiding place in his enclosure

    - Your crab has access to a dietary source of calcium, such as a cuttlebone (found in the bird supply section of pet stores) or crushed oyster shell

    - You are not bathing, handling, touching or otherwise disturbing your hermit crab

    - Your crab has access to de-chlorinated or distilled marine salt water made from a marine salt meant for saltwater aquariums, NOT table salt

    - Your crab and his supplies have no contact with any of the following: metals; evergreen woods including cedar and pine; Spanish moss (other types are okay); smoke or incense; air fresheners or aerosols; harsh cleaning products or chemicals; insecticides or pesticides; untreated municipal water; all foods or live plants you are not totally certain are crab-safe; all foods containing spices, seasonings, chemical preservatives or pesticides.

    There is really just too much to cover in this limited space, but for further help and advice on proper care of land hermit crabs I urge you to check out the sources I've linked below. I commend you for rescuing your hermit crab from suffering and a gradual death at that pet store, for recognizing that he needs better care, and for educating yourself on how to provide him that care. If only all pet owners cared to do their research.

  2. The hermit crab will grow back his legs, don't worry!!! They grow back their legs, though it may take time. In the mean time, I suggest putting water in front of him and food in front of him so he can eat/drink and try to keep him wet. Please also know that he has to have heat!!! I do suggest, though, that you google "hermit crab care" and follow those care instructions rather than the pet store's instructions. If you decide to get another hermit crab, do so from a healthier pet store and examine the animal in it's home before you adopt him/her so you can be sure it is healthy. I hope this helps!

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