
Hermit crab care??!!??!!??!!

by  |  earlier

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we just got two hermit crabs and i'm wondering a few things.

1. what can we feed them on a day to day basis?

2. how often do we feed them?

3. how often should we clean the tank?

4. what should we put on the bottom of the tank? (sand or pebbles)





  1. You should use sand. That's what they're used to in nature. Make sure you leave plenty of shells (some of the size they were now and some a little bigger). This will prevent shell fights. They do sell hermit crab food, but you can also feed fish food, peanut butter, and apple sauce, etc. for treats.

    Their tank shouldn't require much cleaning, just when the sides start to look dirty.

    Make sure to keep it humid and at the right temperature too. Good luck.

  2. I used sand for mine.  I bought hermit crab food from the pet store I bought them at which was Petco.  I cleaned out the tank once a week. You should put enough sand so they can bury themselves in it, so they can shed.  Put a little bowl in the tank with water in it and make sure they can't drown in it. Go to your local pet store and ask them about care for your hermit crab (Petco, Petsmart or whatever) they usually have care sheets.  If you don't want to do this go to the links below.

  3. 1) Yes.

    2)Once a day

    3)About once a week do maitnence, once a month, do a good scrub down


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