
Hermit crabs? bonding? help?

by Guest21204  |  earlier

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is there a way to like "bond" with your hermit crabs? haha i know it seems funny. My hermit crab always has his pinchers WIDE when i pick him up. any suggestions?




  1. well,maye you could like take it to a movie or something! :D

  2. I would just talk to him more and then put your clean hand in his tank with out picking him up. Then finally start handling. Also some crabs don't like people. Good luck

  3. some tame down eventually (altho it takes a while) other never really do there's not much u can do except gentle regular handling  

  4. try to Play with them more like make obstacle courses for them. they are probably afraid if you just got them. It is their natural instinct to pinch when they are scared. And for a while, try to avoid picking them up. And here are a few tips from my experiences:

    1. NEVER feed them jelly. It has salt in it and salt can kill them

    2. If it comes out of its shell, get a bigger shellif they look big. when hermit crabs get big, they change shells. Or, if they stay out of their shell for a few days, DO NOT TOUCH THEM! theycould me molting.and are unstable at that time. if you touch them, they most likely will die. but if they stay there for a while, they would be dead.

    I hope my tips give your pet/s a happy, healthy life.

  5. well i would buy some really thick gloves and let it pinch you all it wants  and just let it know it cant hurt u then it will start being ok

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