
Hermit crabs? i caught 3 little shelled crabs on the beaches of Louisiana, i thought they were hermit but?

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after googling hermit crabs, they look nothing like that? help? what are they? I cnat feed them until i find out what they are! they are ina shell and their legs are yellow/tan and brownish i said they are in a shell also, like hermit crab




  1. What you almost unquestionably have are some species of marine hermit crab. Land hermit crab care is completely, entirely different from marine hermit crab care. You will need to set up a saltwater aquarium for them; they can't survive on land or in fresh or brackish water. And you can't just get a bunch of ocean water and dump it in the tank and expect everything will work out fine. It can take a month or more to just prepare a marine tank, before you can add live animals. It requires time and lots of money. Setting one up on the fly, without cycling the tank, could severely hurt or kill the crabs.

    The kindest thing to do is to take them immediately back to the ocean where you found them and let them go. Based on the fact that you have no idea what species they are and you have no idea how to feed them, it's evident that you have nowhere near the expertise required to keep them alive.

  2. they are probly water hermit crabs they live in water usally the ocean or beach or a bay

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