
Hermit...what!? Best Answer???

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I have had a question already on this but I only have gotten 2answers so far.... I have a 10gallon tank, with light. I will buy her two hermit listen.

I recently went to a pet store and my sister seen hermit crabs. She wants some. I researched them and copied/paste some info, so I'm good on everything. There are some things I need to know. (I have had some in the past)

My sister's sand box has sand...(duhh).....Can I use that sand to put in the tank?

Also is the regular tube light in the tank good to keep on during the day for them? (25w)

Other than those questions, I'm ready to buy some. (Don't waste your time typing so many things about hermit crabs, just make short/simple answers on my questions...^.^

Thank you!

(Answer and you could be a Best answer)




  1. Hi,

    nice question :)

    I would deep-clean that sand! (boil or bake it) Or you can just buy some hermit crab sand from the pet store.

    It should be good with the light on. I never had a light in mine... But the pet store does! So yeah, good.


    animal helper

  2. you can use the sand but bake it in the oven first, not boil it. you can try the light, but keep a larger thing of water (shallow enough for the crabs of course) in there with a sponge to help with humidity - get gauges to check temps and humidity (keep at 70-80% and degrees)..  if it stays at those temps that is fine...

  3. I always buy sand from the pet store because its cleaned and has no harmful germs. Hermit crabs are from warm, tropical places, so sand from outside may not be the best for them. The light doesn't need to be on during the day if you live in a warm place, but if it is below 60 degrees, the light will keep them active and happy.

  4. If the sand box is outside, I would not use that sand for your crabs. There could be insects or bacteria in the sand that could infect your hermit crabs. They sell sand or rocks in the pet store for very little money. I suggest the small rocks, because they are reusable if you clean them, whereas sand is not cleanable and you would have to replace it every time the tank gets dirty. Also, you can get the rocks in all different colors to decorate your tanks.

    As for the light, I would not keep the light on aaalll day and night, but maybe for an hour or two each day to keep the temperature in the tank up, since they like the warmer climates.

  5. I would boil the sand first to kill any bacteria...and you can probably leave a light on I never had a lite in mine but i didn't know much about them cause they were kind of forced on me...

    edit you only have to boil it for about 10-15 mins the hard part will be figuring out how to dry it...

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