
Hernia Surgery Complications questions (i'm worried for my husband)?

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Yesterday we found out that my husband has Hernia on his left side of his groin, i'm so worried i don't know what to do. What is the percentage of people that successfully recover? is there a percentage of death? What are the complications? i love him and i can't bare to see him in pain or going through any type of surgery. What can i do? i want him to be treated but i don't want anything to happen to him.




  1. I had hernia surgery on my right side about 20 years ago and can no longer feel it and barely see the scar.Last year I had one repaired on the left side {different doctor} and I was sore for several months. Don't let him do any heavy lifting until the doctor says okay! I still had discomfort for about six months after, it's okay now. Both procedures were done with the old standard incision method. There are new micro surgery methods with less scarring and fewer complications...ask Your doctor. With any surgery there is always the risk of going under an anaesthetic but rarely is there a problem. Good luck with this and I'm sure everything will work out.

    A late thought NOT meant to scare you! Don't wait to have this repaired. If the intestine protrudes through the rupture, a condition called strangulated hernia can develop. This is when the torn muscle contracts around the protruding interstine and cuts off the blood flow. This can result in blocked intestine or gangrene. Please don't delay having this repaired.

  2. A hernia is a protrusion through tissue or muscle. Usually it is an organ that pushes through to a point where it should not be. Many patients are managed through day surgery centers, and are able to return to work within a week or two, while heavy activities are prohibited for a longer period. Patients who have their hernias repaired with mesh often recover in a number of days. Surgical complications have been estimated to be up to 10%, but most of them can be easily addressed. They include surgical site infections, nerve and blood vessel injuries, injury to nearby organs, and hernia recurrence. Surgery is the only way. Be glad you found it. Your husband will be fine.

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