
Herniated Belly Button?

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So I took my 11 month old to the pediatrician and found out she has a herniated belly button. They said we have to just wait to see if it closes or gets worse and needs surgery. Has anyone had a child with this? What was your experience? Did it close up or did you need surgery?




  1. I actually had a herniated belly button as a baby.  I'm pretty sure mine closed on its own, and today, you can't even tell.

  2. I had this as a baby, I was operated on. From what i have been told, It was a straight foward procedure. Ive been left with a tiny little scar on the inside of my belly button.

  3. what do u mean close back up...u mean go back in.

    my brother is 16 years old and he was born with that hes been fine up until recently hes been having stomach problems.

    but also my sisters sister in laws daughter has one too shes 8 and she said it doesnt hurt or anything she doesnt even notice it.

    so im sure she will be ok. just make sure she is careful and watch her as she gets to the age where she wants to start lifting heavy stuff up because that could cause it to hurt.

  4. Out of my five kids, number 3 had the same thing.  It sure looks weird, but if she's not in pain, over time her tummy muscles will gain in strength and close it up.   what you need to watch for is if it gets feverish, swollen or painful to the touch.  We used a cotton ball and taped it with one of those ouch-less band-aids.  It healed I think just before she turned a year old.  If she's in no pain, than it really does not make a big difference in their life.  

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