
Herniated disc/ sciatica??

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I am 17 years old and after doing some research, i think i may have a herniated disc. I have sciatica for about 2 months now and i did an x ray but it said i was fine. i had no idea what a herniated disc is but i think i may have it... shud i do an MRI? will physiotherapy help? and where should I do an MRI in toronto?? also my sleeping positions are messed up... i try to sleep on my back but it really hurts and i end up sleeping on my side. PLEASE HELP!! plz tell me i dont need surgery!! :(




  1. You can only see a herniated disk through an MRI so I suggest getting one. I have a herniated disk on both sides and I was able to get 3 epidurals in February and it has relieved a lot of my pain.

  2. An X-ray won't catch it. To diagnose it you need an MRI. Maybe you should be talking to your DR.

  3. Did you know there are 3 simple reasons why your sciatica and back pain remain? Would you like to understand what these are so you can be finally free from your debilitating back pain? You may even be surprised to find that you can change most of these your self.

    Here goes...

    Reason #1: Your sciatica remains for the primary reason of habit. No you don't have habits that you must change like your posture or how you lift. Habit relates to the internal mechanisms of your body. Habits form because of consistent and repetitive acts.

    If you have had your sciatica for over a month (yes it only takes 31 days to form a habit) then your body believes it is perfectly normal to have sciatica and back pain. To remove your back pain and sciatica, you need to change these habits. The big question is how?

    Treatment from a practitioner will not change habits. Why? It takes 31 days to change a habit. Do you know of any practitioner that does (or willing to) work 31 days in a row? Probably not.

    Therefore to change habits you need to use techniques your self, consistently, repeatedly at home to change habits. For sciatica and back pain to disappear once and for all, you need to learn ways to help your self.

    Reason #2: Most sciatica and back pain treatments fail as they only address one aspect of your problem. You will see some practitioners, and many internet sites, saying your problem is due to muscles. Then other will say it is joints. Then more who say it is inflamed tissues. And so on.

    Who is right and who is wrong. In fact they are all right and all wrong. Back pain and especially sciatica is a combination of factors. Tight muscles, weak muscles, joints not moving correctly and inflammation - these all create your pain.

    You also have emotional stress, general health, and fatigue levels that are just as important.

    To have a complete and permanent relief from sciatica and back pain, you need to address all these areas. Which leads you to reason number 3...

    Reason #3: Most people fail to remove their back pain and sciatica because they believe that to do so is too hard, too laborious, or too time consuming. You may also believe that unless you see results in a few minutes that things are not working.

    You then decide to stop using the techniques and fail to consistently change the habits that cause your back pain or sciatica. Reason #1 again.

    In reality, to change the habits, to correct the structural and general/emotional causes of your sciatica and back pain need only take a few minutes each day to apply.

    Therefore see if their is a local Pilate's Class in your area, learn the techinques: muscle groups, how to exercise each group, how to stabilize your hips, get your core strength and then it is really just a question of one hour a week. Best of Luck

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