
Hero Quest???

by Guest32611  |  earlier

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Anyone know where you can find the really old hero quest board games? Or There Expansions?




  1. i found 1 in organic and 1 in a garage sale at home or market not to sure

  2. try your op shop i think i got the game u speak of from there

  3. HeroQuest is long, long out of print.  Nowadays you can find it at secondhand sources; ebay, garage sales, etc.  There are quite a few listed for sale on the boardgamegeek marketplace.  Check this link and scroll down to look for the 'marketplace' entry on the left:  However, those are all around $50; a bit pricey.

    Expansions are also hard to find, especially the Barbarian and Elf Quest packs, which were definitely the best add ons.

    If you are looking for more recent, in print games in similar style, you might check out Descent by Fantasy Flight games; its a dungeon adventure game with very impressive pieces, but its rather slow paced, takes a long time to play, and has a lot of flaws.  Many players really enjoy it despite those problems though.  You could also check out the card game Dungeoneer; it makes for a nice dungeon adventure game even if it lacks the neat miniatures of games like Descent or Heoquest.  However, it is a completely competitive game; all the players are against each other, with each player playing monsters and traps to attack the other players.

    Good luck finding something, and happy gaming!

  4. Always check ebay for something like that.  I have found almost everything I ever looked for on ebay.  Second hand stores, flea markets, garage sales, estate auctions, and even antique shops are also good places to check for old games.  Best of luck with finding it.
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