
Heroes? heroes?

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i need a list of people considered heroes (such as firefighters for saving ppls lives..etc)





  1. OMG the list would be endless..Most US presidents served the country during wartimes. Nurses..Florence Nightengale, Clara Barton. Law enforcement..Elliot Ness, Wyatt Earp, and Frank Serpico. Scientists..Einstein, Oppenheimer, The Curies, and Pasteur. Politicians..Churchill, Stalin, and Wilson. Ordinary people..see reader's digest and your local news for names.  Social workers, and volunteers at a homeless shelter.There are alot of heroes out there.

  2. I cannot give you a list but, I will share my heroes with you. They are my two great-neices, sarah and Amina Said. Both girls, were killed by thier dad for dating American boys!

    These two girls lived under a very strict father who seemingly, lived by sharia law! The girls were brilliant, Amina, top seven in her class! Sarah, top ten! Friends say they always smiled, laughed and enjoyed time at school and with friends.

    You see, in spite of all the laws set forth by thier dad, thier brother spied on them with the dad. They were spotted by friends of the girls, as well! Even so, Amina and Sarah grasped every moment of freedom and lived it to its fullest!

    We, who are free women, in the US, take for granted many freedoms! Not these two girls! They learned how to live deeply and truly, "cease the moment!" Many, will never experience this! Even if they live to be ninety as they have no clue what it is like to be without that freedom!

    In the end, they lost the battle to be free. Amina, was shot twice, by her dad...killed instantly! Sarah, was shot NINE times and she still dialed 9-1-1! WOW! She was able to name her can actually hear her beg him to stop, on the 9-1-1 call!

    So, you see, these girls will teach all that life is so worth living...that you simply NEVER give up hope...they didn't!

  3. oprah winfrey


    police men



  4. After working in the field for more than 10 years, some of the heroes I've come to admire most are the scientists who work tirelessly to improve the human condition. Research takes long hours (often 14+/day), dedication, creativity, tolaerance for low pay, endless disappointment, and an exacting, inquisitive nature. Yet without their work, polio never would have been eradicated in America, we never would have learned about our ancestors' mistakes, and the US would still have malaria as an endemic disease across the south.

    I also greatly admire anyone, in any field, who can stand up to his/her peers. That, in my mind, takes as much courage as running into a burning building.

    Finally, I salute the social entrepeneurs of the world- the folks using proven business models and sound common sense to tackle issues like poverty, hunger, educational disadvantage, etc. They are, I hope, among the next world leaders.

  5. Kyle Hale, Casey Britt, Stephen Boucher.

  6. How about women that fight for women's rights in Iran and Iraq?  How about someone who puts themselves in danger trying to make the public aware of "cult crimes".

    How about they guy at your local restaurant that will give a homeless man a meal.
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