
Hes quite a good friend ; Should I ask him out ?

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Well theres this boy in my class and we have always been well friends but from the start of this year we have become really good friends and now I really like like him

Like my friends and I always hang around with him and his mates at Lunch.And we are always talking and I wouldnt exactly call it flirting but he always defends me and like makes fun of me aswell . Only my best friend knows about this and she has said that she thinks he likes me too ; But that could just be her trying to help

What do you think I should do ? I really like him but I also dont want him to say no and then it will just be awkwardd

+ also on my profile please ignore the age as this was my sisters account but I use it instead now :)




  1. If you think you can make something of it, then I wish you all the luck and love in the world. Whatever happens just be careful, but do have fun!  

  2. If hes defending u and makes fun of u in a god way lol then yea go for it. It wont be awkward unless you make it awkward just be cool with and ask him if he likes you or something like that lol Good Luck :]

  3. Go ahead and ask him out, if he says no, continue to be friends with him.

  4. Keep it very casual maybe you can go out for ice cream or pizza, or if you share common interest such as a certain kind of music or movie, keep it simple , not a"date"   this way you can see how it feels on your own just the two of you before you make it weird if he does't  feel the same. good luck I hope it works out keep it simple and casual ! Be yourself!

  5. Some guys get real funny, like they could like u lots and not ever say nothin to you evan tho they wanna, You have nothing to lose ask and im sure if hes single he`d happily give it a go? Silly not too

  6. What are you waiting for? Ask him out!  You'll never know what happiness you may find if you can summon the courage to ask him out.  He may be the one for you, you don't want to miss him.  You've got nothing to loes and everything to gain.  Go for it!

  7. talk to him

    or find out from someone else if he likes you

    ask him random questions like who he likes and stuff

  8. no cuz hes g*y  

  9. Yes ask him out

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