
Hey, How would i know if my cricket bat is seasoned, knocked in and ready for play?

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Hi everyone,

i recently bought a "CA Inzi Gold" english willow bat of my coache's friend. My coach isnt sure if it is ready for play, seasonded, or knocked in. how can i tell?

Thanks everyone




  1. it takes experience to recognise if it has or not, but if you are unsure, do it again. linseed oil should be used on the face to waterproof it, but only a small amount. i always use a toe guard for the same reason, attatch with a good quality wood glue. knocking in usually takes 10-12 hours, depending on how wide the edges are and how heavy the bat is. even if the bat has been advertised as having been knocked in, i usually do another 5 or 6. one good way of telling if it has been knocked in, is to play in the nets with it against slow bowling, and you can feel when you get it in the sweet spot. simply put, if it flies with little effort, its ready. cricket bats are expensive to buy, therefore it is worth a little extra spending to ensure it is in good condition, and it will last a lot longer. hope this has helped!!!

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