
Hey, I'm dumping my psychiatrist tomorrow for the following reasons, are they good ones? ?

by Guest58744  |  earlier

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For a while, I've been fed up with my current psychiatrist and looking for a new one. I've been thinking for a long time of how I'm going to break the news, and here's what I came up with (yeah, some of it sounds harsh and immature, but that's how I felt for a long time and can no longer sugarcoat it) Here's What I'm going to say to her:

"Dear Dr. Doctor,

I regret to inform you that I will be dumping you, and don’t want you as a doctor anymore. I would like to be referred to another psychiatrist that can still supply me the same type of medication. Here are the reasons why:

• You flat out insisted that I should go back up to taking 225mg of my Effexor last June after I told you about a nervous breakdrown I had that was over something rather stupid. I told you that I’m cutting back to 150mg for money reasons. You said something about a different medication and that I was going into a possible relapse. I thought what you said was biased. I was hoping that you suggest an alternative solution, but it sounds like you didn’t, and that really upset me. The breakdown was a temporary setback, I felt fine the next day. You just wanted to try to put me another stupid medication with annoying side effects cause you and the drug companies are after my hard earned money.

• I feel that you judge and criticize me for some of the choices I make in my life. For example, there’s my plans about my future and what I’m doing after graduation as far as finding a job. I told you that I’m still with a seasonal temp job that recently promoted me, that I’m working nice full time hours in the summer making good money, and I’m looking for another job right now. You didn’t even bother to congratulate me on my promotion. Instead, you kept digging and questioning me about why my employer doesn’t offer health insurance--that was rude and it’s none of your business. You then made a remark about how I couldn’t handle change in my life and that I should have found a permanent job a long time ago that has a benefits package. When I saw you last June, you justified saying that you were right and that I should have found a better job by now. Well guess what, in this bad economy, not all recent college grads jump directly into making $50,000 a year, so stop judging me and quit treating me like an idiot! For your information, I have been doing my best to find another job. I’ve placed my resume on search engines like Monster and Yahoo hot jobs. I’ve responded to numerous ads on Craigslist, followed up with a couple them already. I asked my current boss to help me find jobs in the area. I completed a profile and uploaded my resume at an online placement agency Creatives on Call. I contacted someone at Creatives on Call yesterday to follow up and they said that they got my updated info and will contact me when they can, and that they’re going through tons of resumes including mine. I even remember you asking that if I’m “hooked” on my job, so please stop it! Quit mocking me! I’m doing the best I can. I don’t control the economy, doctor. I'm sick of all the bullcrap! It’s my life, so back the heck off! Peace!"

So, are these good reasons? I wonder if it's harsh, and that I'm just overreacting. Anyone's input? Thanks.




  1. it sounds like you might need to get another psychiatrist. she should have been pleased that you had a job. not critized you about not having another already--because jobs are hard to find, especially with benefits. she dont seem to know how the real world and economy is. just because she has her future made;, she dont take into consideration how the other side has to survive. i think you are right in your opinion. there are not a lot of good paying jobs out there with benifits anymore. times are hard, and getting harder. ask her how she would feel "if" she had to live the way most people do. get her response on that. she does not show empathy and is too judgemental. she is in the wrong profession. i agree with you. good luck!

  2. He/she doesn't need an explanation....just find another shrink and take some of the pressure off of yourself.

  3. Hey There ☺ Yeah I would have to say that the letter u have written to your Dr. is a tad bit harsh lol but it sounds to me like u have every reason to be upset with her, U know how some Dr.s say to write a letter to yourself or to someone that hurt u in the past and then throw it away well maybe u should do that.I say that because I have heard of Dr.s messing with their patients and making it harder on them when they go to a new Dr so be careful. Also why do u have to tell her? I changed my Dr. who omg I think he had more severe problems than what I had at the time lol Anyways I didn't tell him I was leaving him and I said I needed a refill on my meds because I wouldn't be able to make in next time and I also asked my primary for a refill just until I found a new Dr.I found a new Dr and when I was asked why I left him I was honest with her and I told her he wasn't helping me at all .U have no obligations to tell her that is if u didn't sign a paper.But if u want to tell her I would re write that letter and rephrase it all even if it's the truth. I don't think u want that letter coming back and biting u in the butt know what I mean? good luck to you p.s i liked ur letter heheheheh lol

  4. As a psychology major, I wouldn't even give them a reason as to why you are changing doctors.  If they are professional, then they don't need one.  No need to explain yourself to someone who gets paid to listen to you.  Just simply ask for a referral to another doctor and live on.

  5. They are good reasons, but you may need to re-word it so you don't offend them. You can be harsh without being insulting. Good luck with this though, its hard to make improvments when you feel like you are not getting much help from your psychiatrist.  

  6. If thats how you feel than its a good reason.  But I do think its harsh.  Maybe you could just talk it out with her, maybe she doesnt even know shes doing it.  And if you give her that tomorrow shes probably going to be surprized but she wont stop you, Im sure.  In my opinion you need to feel comfortable with whoever your therapist is, so if shes not the one for you, than its good that you know that now, but theres really no reason to get mean about it.  Good luck.  

  7. Firstly you may wish to reword your letter in such a way that it doesnt offend the psychiatrist so that they give you a referral to a nice psychiatrist.  Secondly it may not give you the kind of reaction that you were expecting.  Something like...

    Dear Dr. ...,

    I regret to inform you that I wish to be referred to another psychiatrist.

    I feel that having taken 225mg of Effexor since last June, even though I cant afford it, has affected me financially.

    I feel that my plans for my future are in hand and that Im making good money in the summer, although I agree with you that I need to find a full-time job in order to afford a good psychiatrist and the medications.

  8. Lol a little harsh?? I hope you dont threaten your psychiatrist next.

  9. I'm pretty sure that if you send this letter to her she will willingly refer you to another psychiatrist - enclosing a copy of the letter to warn her what she will be up against in her new patient.

    You have every right to request a second opinion - perhaps handle the situation with a little more maturity though and discuss the issues like an adult. Don't hide behind a letter - go face to face and speak to her.

    But do you really want to start all over again with a new Doctor?  

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