
Hey, I'm scared. My family decided to move across the country half way through my high school life?

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I'm scared. What if I don't know anyone on the first day of school? What if people don't like me and I will become a loner. What if no girls like me at this new school. I'm scared. Wat if the people here are realy different from my old school? People, please give advice. I'm going to be a junior but am realy anxious about the 1st day of school. I don't know ANYONE.




  1. Calm down!!!!

    Ask to go two weeks after school starts. That way you can be the "new guy"

  2. It's tough I know, but you won't be the only new kid there who does not know anyone else.  Look around for anyone else who looks like they are alone and could use a friend and introduce yourself.  Just be yourself, don't try to impress, and smile and say hi to other kids.  Join some clubs or after school activities that you like to meet others with the same things in common.  If there are none you like try something new never know you might enjoy it.  Just be yourself and be friendly and it will all work out.  Good luck and have fun!  ;).

  3. RELAX.. alot of ppl would love to be in your shoes, look at it as a fresh new start.. so yes you had lots of fun in highschool, but now you get a whole new start, all new ppl, just be yourself, if ppl like you there, then i am sure they will like you wherever your moving, and know that not everyone will lilke you.. we all have haters, good luck i wish you the best ~Julie

  4. im a junior to. i moved the summer before my freshman year. i was so scared my first day of skool. you shouldnt care what people think of you. just be your self. i met my best friend the first day of skool in sience. we did not hang out at lunch till a week after skool started. so that was a great way to start off high skool. being a loner for a will suck really bad a first and you will hate people just because you miss your old friends but youll get over it. but now i have realy great friends that i LOVE but that does not stop me from missing the old ones. JUST BELIVE THAT THINGS WILL GET BETTER.  

  5. Everyones always scared about moving schools, but then they get there and realize there was nothing to be worried about in the first place! So calm down, everyone will be happy they have a new classmate!! Think happily kid =]

  6. You may very well become a loner.  If so, don't walk in there and shoot up the place, thats getting old.

  7. I know what you're going through today was my first day in a new school. not just new place but NEW COUNTRY. everything is so different you have to do by yourself. Be social open, talk to anyone if possible, and if there's any chance for you to interact with someone JUST GO FOR IT. don't hesitate just talk to them. try to sit with people don't sit at a corner. Don't be weird out just talk to them like you've known them for ages. Start conversations about school or that you're new. Get some pity. Smile, look interested.

    But anyways all this talk about knowing what to do, I haven't actually done it today on my first day. I sat at a table with just one person, I didn't talk to any of my classmates really. I just sat there. I don't know if its weird if i suddenly go sit with them, but I may try tomorrow. Try it yourself as well.

  8. i move evry 3 years (military dad) New schools and everything, i know it sucks. but be your self dont worry

  9. Most schools have nice people.  (Thankfully).  I'm willing to bet at least one person will notice that you're new and will introduce themselves and you will have an instant hang out group until you are comfortable with other people.

    Be yourself, and be polite and nice.  People gravitate towards nice people.

    I know it's scary but take a deep breath and just go for it.

    You'll be fine.


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