
Hey, I've just been offered a 42" L.C.D telly for £50?

by  |  earlier

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The volume button is broke, But for that price I cant turn it down.......




  1. L.C.D?


    :) (liked it tho!)

  2. Lol just got it, how slow am I XD good though...I'd tell my friends but their concentration isn't long enough lol :)

  3. You could solder on another button for just a few pounds.


  4. ITS NICKED!!!      

  5. Lucky you, wish it was me!

  6. Don't know whats funnier the joke itself or the people answering and not realising

  7. GROAN!

  8. I agree with Timmmmmy, it's fun to see folk give advice when they really don't get the joke!!!

  9. Grooaann.  But funny

  10. Vay Foony!

  11. I told this to my girlfriend a while a go and she said, "That's stupid, why don't they just get it fixed instead of selling it?"  I told her again and she still didn't get it.  Third time lucky though!

  12. lucky you... if its not stolen that is. Get it repaired when you get it.

  13. go for it

  14. its a joke you prats

  15. haha hilarious. lmao

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