
Hey, I've never really skated before and I wanted to start to become a skater so could you give me some tips?

by  |  earlier

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Also what type of skateboard should I get, I'm prepared to spend up to $300.I'm about 13 years old and I'm a boy. And also could you try to tell me how to skate? Could you also tell me some of the basic -moderate skate moves and how to do them?




  1. well all you have got to think of is your stance, your shoes and protection (if you want). I bought a Flip - black out board and its great.

    First off you MUST learn how to ollie (jump with your board)

  2. First of all DO NOT buy an expensive deck get good trucks and wheels but just a cheapish bored(deck),Why because when you are learning and practicing you break them and everything from landing wrongly on the because your learning etc etc.

    Start off buy making sure you can balance ride down hill you know how to stop etc etc starts off with ollies and stuff like that then go to your local skate park and just go from there.Start going down ramps and everything skate alot so you get better and better. It all starts coming to you once you can do something move on and start trying another trick {still do the other on so you don't forget how to do it}

    It will all just start coming to you its hard at first but it get easier,well i did for me.

    "I am a girl but i can still skate"

  3. If you are looking for a board with good pop and that is lightweight, i would go with a darkstar adam dyet armorlight or a Bam Element Helium. For Trucks I would go with thunder ,destructo , or independent. For Bearings I Would Go with Bones Reds Swiss Lubricated. And I Would Suggest Spitfire wheels. or pretty much any other wheels besides element wheels. Oh and mob griptape is really good.

    Basic Tricks:

  4. You do not under any circumstances want to put a lot of money into a deck or trucks... Just as mentioned before. When you are first learning you want something you can break in half and get another one. You are going to put that board through a lot when you are learning and it would be money waisted to be spending a lot on something newer.

    I learned to skate when I was about 12. It can take sometime, but it's fun and it's challenging. Don't give up. You want to make sure you can get the hang of being on the board and riding it before you even attempt to go to a skate park or try any moves. You need to understand the board and your balance on it. Make sure you get correct shoes as well. Nothing is worse then wearing flip flops or shows that grip too much. Because you don't want to just slip off in flip flops but you need to be able to jump off easy if you sense your losing control or when the board wants to slip underneath you.

    You may not like the idea of wearing knee pads and wrist protection because the way it looks, but it's necessary. Most common injury's to beginning boarders is falling backwards and trying to stop yourself with your hands. It might sound funny, but you want to practice how to fall. Ha ha because your going to need to know.

    There isn't really anything I can say other then that. If you have some friends that board you can always ask them. You should have seen me when I started. Because I am a girl my guy friends felt really protecttive and once I wanted to do jumps I had someone on each side of me to pick me up when I was about to bail.

    Have fun and don't give up. It's not going to be easy but when you make your first jump or rail grind, the rush is amazing!

  5. I'm an old lady now, but I think I was born knowing how to skate. First, I had the strap-on four wheel skates, two by two, so there was no problem with learning to balance. Then we moved close to a skating rink, and I eventually got my own shoe skates. I've never worn in-line skates, but I can't imagine they would be much different. Just start slow and easy, the hardest part will be learning to balance, and after that -- it's a breeze.

    (You really should have asked about the skateboard in a separate question.)

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