
Hey, I had a dream I was sitting down and looking at a pretty naked asian girl sitting next to a tiger. wtf?

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So I had the dream, the girl I didnt know but she was good looking. What does it mean. I was holding something, I was inside she and the tiger were outside, I was looking thru a door.

Also they were both looking at me. I awoke.




  1. It means Crouching tiger, hidden voyeur... the next big movie.

  2. I don't really know.  But maybe your a closet voyeur with an Asian girl fantasy.

    As I like to say, Asian girls can be hotttttt!  Lighten up, it was a dream and what you think usually can't hurt you.  Just don't become a peeper and you'll be OK>

  3. She was going to show you her kitty?

  4. well animals have meaning, feminine beauty too. It could be you have a certain lust, you feel the need of company or something is troubling you. Here's what I found online:

    "...ou feel vulnerable and exposed. You may feel that you are unable to maintain your defences against the outside world.

    Mystical Meaning: This dream can mean innocence or if you are a traditional Christian, it can refer to the Final Judgement."

    Tiger means:

    ..."This large and very beautiful cat can symbolize femininity, power, anger, unforgiving vengeance, great force, and cunning. Tigers cannot be ignored, and usually they get exactly what they go after. Consider all of these characteristics and try to see if they apply to your or anyone else's current mood or character."

    Good luck. I had a weird one...look at my last question hahaha

  5. Sitting

    To dream that you are sitting, indicates your indecision and not knowing what you want to do with yourself in the near future. It may also suggest that you are just being idle and doing nothing.


    On the other hand, if you do not have any problem with another's nudity, then it implies that you see through people and accept them for who and what they are.


    To see a tiger in your dream, symbolizes repressed feelings or emotions that frighten you. Alternatively, the tiger represents female sexuality, aggression, and seduction. If the tiger is in a cage, then it suggests that those repressed feelings/emotions are on the verge of surfacing.


    To dream that you are staring at something or someone, indicates that you need to take a much closer look at some situation or relationship. Perhaps you need to approach a situation from another perspective or viewpoint. Alternatively, it represents your passivity. You need to start taking action.

    To dream that someone is staring at you, suggests that you are hoping someone would look your way more often. It may also represent anxiety or pride.


    To dream that the doors are locked, signifies opportunities that are denied and not available to you or that you have missed out on. In particular, if you are outside the locked door, then it suggests that you are having some anti-social tendencies. If you are inside the locked door, then it represents harsh lessons that need to be learned.

  6. It means you like all things asian, but you don't want to physically go to asia.

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