
Hey, I just redesigned my web site and I'm looking for some opinions.?

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let me know what you think.




  1. I actually like it!  It has a simple, straightforward design.  There is no flash on the front page.  It has a definite color scheme that it adheres to (plus I'm a sucker for red and black).  The dark colors and bevelled, physical appearance definitely appeal to a certain group of internet users.  It looks like you know a thing or two about graphic design.

    I was worried for a minute that I was going to see a horrible, amateurish page, but the one you made is very professional.  There are a couple of very small details that could be fixed, but I think ppl would only notice them if they were looking for them.  For instance, on I noticed that there is a bit of gray at the bottom of the image.  Also the gray on the left part of the menu, it looks like you did that on purpose, but I can't figure out why, it kind of throws me off.  Also, the red line on the right side of isn't the same thickness as the one on the image below it, and you can see that if you look hard.  Of course I doubt  anyone will notice it, anyway.

    All in all, 5 stars man.  Great page!

  2. i like it.

    easy to read and dummy proof lol

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