
Hey, I know 9/11 is a touchy subject and im not agianst america, but - on 9/11 the news showed people cheering

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the news showed people cheering in the street ( mid eestern people) . But then they were showed no more. but they showed them cheering during the day . Wouldnt it be night time over there ? - if anyone else saw thought i would like your opion on it,

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  1. No. The time difference between the USA (New York) and Israel is seven hours. The airplanes that crashed into the twin towers happened at about 9am New York time. That would put it at roughly 4 in the afternoon (16:00) in Israel.

    The US government does not want the truth about Islam to be known. Showing the clips of the Palestinian Arabs cheering would definitely get the truth out quicker and possibly cause lynching of Muslims, which would not be a good thing.

    The US government probably came under pressure from the Saudi Arabian government not to show that clip.  The US government knows how violent Islam is, they just suppress the truth in order to gain access to oil. The US government cares only about its existence, not the people it's supposed to represent.

  2. I remember the people cheering and dancing in the New York bars when the Canary Wharf in London was bombed by the IRA whom they had been funding for years through Noraid.

    One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.  Those Americans were happy enough to see London bombed, I suppose those Mid-Easterners were happy enough to see New York bombed

  3. It was in the morning here and that would make it late afternoon there. Now here is something else that I bet you haven't seen yet. Let's just say that this is the kicker:

  4. Well, I did see that some Israeli citizens got arrested right after the attack. They were filming and cheering near a van when the police were called on them. It is believed they were Mossad agents who had been tracking the 9/11 hijackers, but did nothing to prevent the attacks. They were questioned and deported to Israel.

  5. The media can manipulate just about anything to put whatever slant they want on a story.  

    I'm not too sure when the video of the people cheering was shown but it could have been when they heard the news, the next day.

    The reason it was shown only once -- could be the media didn't want to stir up too much anti-Muslim sentiment, and the ensuing vigilante retaliation, by showing it over and over again.

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