
Hey, INDIAN people? come over here?

by  |  earlier

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do u know why filipinos dont like chatting with indians?




  1. no but I bet people native to India don't like talking to you because you ask questions like this one

  2. Because we Indians have the habit of swaying our head from side to side continually whenever conversing  making your average Filipino quizzy and even sea-sick...?

    I asked that question of them when all my conversations ended with them retching violently. So now I hold my head still with two hands when speaking to them or offer a Dramamine . It affects the Irish too.

    Rajeeb: New Deli

  3. Dont know. Probably your experience. They are my mates atleast.

  4. since when? and where did you get this information.

  5. naa

    is it so???

    i mean if ur an indian then u have insulted both the parties and its kind of hipocritisism caus u might b practicing it self or might not????


    now why would u say that???

    bad very very bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. This has gotta be a joke.

    How about you let us know !

    You be the funny one.......Ha.......

  7. cause they r a bunch of jerks and a####

  8. really cos lot of my friends have filipino friends.may b u'r wrong....ugh!

  9. Nope. U tell us if u know.

  10. No Please, stay over there !

  11. no y

  12. No

  13. ugh, we have pow wow.

  14. You are generalizing filipinos, and that's making your question reek a lil bit of prejudice.

  15. Why don't you just say what is bothering you

    because you must had fallin out with a whole tribe of

    Indian people

    So like what did you do to cause a war to come upon yourself

    or what neighborhood were you walking in

    or better yet ...> waz you in da mist of gang banging

    Because Normal people are just regular people

    unless they got those 1 color issues

    and when that happens the sickness is too deep

    And consider that understanding speech is another thing

    you have to speak  the same language

    to be understood

  16. I think it happens to u......

    As a Indian,I strongly opposed ur view.

    Its not a matter of Indian and Filipinos.............

    It depends on the character of those people who will meet each other.

  17. no why?

  18. nope...i'm indian and i havent met any filipino ppl so i wouldnt know...

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