
Hey, Im a guy, should I shave my chest hair?

by  |  earlier

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Basically, I have a little happy trail, which is fine..but I have this patch of hair between my pecs which kinda annoys me..Im thinking about shaving it, but my question fast will it grow, cuz I dont wanna have to shave it frequently and for it to become a should I do it?




  1. It depends on your orientation.  Straight men do not shave chest hair.

  2. use nair or wax it.

    my guy friend did that and he said that it burned after wards. so dont use a razor.  

  3. only if your girl makes you.

  4. Well it depends how big your chest is. I love my bfs chest but its not hairy. i like a big chest but not to hairy, just something that i can nuzzle into and feel warm. Hope it helped!

  5. Wax it, ouch!

  6. if you want, it's up to you, but if you do get an electric razor made for it, I got the philipps bodygroom and it doesn't leave ingrown hairs and mows down hair fast

  7. go to the store and buy some hair removal lotion for men

  8. if u do it use nair for men

    that way it wont itch when it grows back

  9. DON'T DO IT!!!!  My husband got bored in the shower one day (don't ask!) and decided to shave his chest.  He isn't even hairy really either.  It drove him nuts.  It itched like crazy as it was growing in, and as it was stubbly would kind of stick to his shirt.  He was aggravated for quite a while until it grew back.  Served him right though, I figured.  

  10. up to you. my partner doesnt' which is great.

  11. Dude use nair for men :p

  12. shave it... it won't be a problem to shave it once in a while in the shower... but keep the treasure trail, that's hott!

  13. yes  

  14. I wouldn't shave it, but I would trim it. Shaving it may look cool and nice, but it a few days stubble will start to appear. The stubble will be hard coarse hair, and it will hurt since it will rub against your shirts and clothing. Body hair grows quickly, so you may want to think about it before you shave. I would use a scissor and just trim the long locks of your chest hair so your body could look a little more less "jungle like."

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