
Hey, can any one tell me which Alf team is linked to the VLF team Port Melbourne?

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apparently ben cousins has signed up with port melbounre, im extremely curious please help!




  1. No AFL club is currently affiliated with Port Melbourne, but they used to be connected to the Sydney Swans and then North Melbourne. Cousins joining Port Melbourne doesn't make any difference to what afl club he will play for if he returns.

  2. Now it must be the West Coke Eagles.

  3. An A-L-F team in the V-L-F?


    Its called spell check and "PREVEIW",

    Look into it. LOL

  4. it doesn't have one. type in vfl in google and go to the 2nd one, which is sportingpulse. then click on team selection along the side and it has all the teams and the afl players are in bold

  5. collingwood i think.

  6. Eh ? is AFL or VFL on spell check?

    back on topic. sorry don't know

  7. it used to be collingwood but they broke up now they are solo

  8. lozz is right

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