
Hey, does anybody know what will happen if I fall asleep with my contact lenses on?

by  |  earlier

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My friend claims that i will go blind if i i was just wondering if what she says is true.




  1. Even in the first incident, there is a risk of damage.

    At minimum, you'll wake up with uncomfortably dry eyes. However, you could also wake up with an infection, which IS sight-threatening.

    Worse case, you wake up with corneal erosions. Scratch anywhere else on your body, it's relatively painless. Scratch your corneas? I've met women who say going through childbirth was far less painful than a corneal erosion.

    Don't mess with your  eyes. They're the only ones you're getting, dear.

  2. it depends on what type of contact lenses you wear. if they are daily disposalbe then i wouldnt recommend it as they are only good for 24 hours. if they are a monthy lens which are high in oxygen and moisture then it shouldnt be too much of a problem. there are contacts you can sleep them so if you are thinking of doing it regularly then maybe swap to them. i just suggest cleaning the contacts in the morning and putting some drops in your eyes so that they are re-lubricated!

  3. I think blind is going a bit too far.  I sleep with my contacts in all the time mostly because I forget I have them in but all that ever happens is when you wake up they will feel really dry and they might be a little sticky and might even burn a little.  It depends on how long you were sleeping with them too though.  I remember one time I left mine in so long they kind of got stuck to my eye and it was really scary! Just put eye drops in though if that ever happens and you'll be fine.

  4. yes and no, confused? your contact would kind of disappear, they will get out of their place and slide around the back of the eye and even somehow get stuck around the back of the eye hencee, the scary words, get it ?!

  5. Nothing.  The next day they may feel kinda sticky, but it's not a big deal.  Just don't do it regularly.

  6. You can stop them from 'breathing', resulting in red and dry eyes when you wake up. It's not the best feeling in the world to have.

    It can't blind you but you wouldn't want to do it over and over as it can cause infections.

  7. When you wake up, the contacts will be dry and hard feeling. It will make your eyes feel like you have sand in your eyes, it's not pleasant.

      You will need to take them out and recondition them or put a new pair in.

      It can also really hurt to take the contacts out so becareful.

    Edit:No, you will not go blind. If that was true, I would have gone blind a long time ago.

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