
Hey, does anyone else have anxiety attacks?

by Guest33057  |  earlier

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and what's your sign?




  1. Yes, I Do Have Anxiety Attacks.

    I Also Have High Blood Pressure.

    & I am A Leo.

  2. yeah ometimes, but i always try and remind myself mind over matter, and tell myself their are options if this thing (that i have the anxiety over) doesn't work out, and so i can talk myself into being okay =)


  3. Yes, I have them. I'm virgo sun with aquarius rising.  I'm really nervous and paranoid.

  4. i am a leo with a cancer ascendant and pisces moon. i think my anxiety definitely makes sense with my natal chart...although it irritates me as it almost feels like its inescapable. the trick is, to use your chart to understand how you personally can best manage your anxiety.

    good luck!

    the only thing that works for me is understanding that the feelings i have will pass and its just a matter of waiting it out.

  5. yeah, I have'em usaully, but the strange thing is its been like a good week and I still been getting them.

    I answered your questions before & the name just says it, lol.

  6. Well I was diagnosed with panic disorder when I was 15 so yes I have panic/anxiety attacks ;) I don't really have them that much anymore because I've found my own little unique ways of dealing with them. So I like to think of myself as a recovered panicaholic.

    Good to see ya back around!

  7. Nope, and I am a Scorpio

  8. yes, because im scorpio so i blame my own intesity whenever im having them. one day, i think im just gonna have a heart attack and die though, but by then it wont be my might be my drug proble :) just kidding, but i do smoke pot, so it enhances the panic attacks to a immeasurable degree. i think im just too imaginative. i seem to be able to easily create a sickness for myself to a point where i feel like dying.

  9. No, never had anxiety that bad.

  10. Weeeell, imma scorpio and i personally believe that imma really resilient person, but i gotta admit i have incredible control!!! issues (not what scorpio is famous for im not possessive, im not jealous), but more so in a sense (of how do i put this) i came from a v complex/ contradictionary background (i had a lot of ppl and support, yet i had a lot of abuse and abandonment) which spurred the compassion that i knew that ppl cared, yet i knew that everything that i was and was going to become was going to come from w/in- no body was going to necessarily guide me nor ever help me... w/ that said, so i was always on the hunt "fighting for my life and my way".... trying to do what was best for me, making sure that i had a future.... which stems down to my anxiety issues (now i know to be in a warrior state as a child- fighting for what was mature that is extremely mature and I am extremely proud, but there are days when i get tired) and that's when the anxiety comes in, I've been fighting and facing issues all my life since a v young person (complicated life issues- unravelling the meaning on my own and it's always v heavy), at the end of the day 'til this day my worse anxiety comes at night right before bed and during the night and especially it'll wake me up during the middle of the night... anxiety is worse than a nightmare, it's all consuming.... what anxiety does is question me, put me in worry, make me nostalgic... what helps is trying to put it all in perspective... overall it can be v overwhelming!! and i think it's consumes my whole world... then the funny thing is (in a way) i get up the next day and im the most happiest person in the world! it's a nightly thing! hmmm.... I dont suffer from anything else than that.

  11. I have them frequently, and i'm a Leo.

  12. Im female, an Aquarius, and i have an anxiety disorder. Im only 17.

  13. Quite often, pisces (really early, like the first day of pisces, aquarius on other calendars).

  14. my mother used to have serious panic attacks, and she was a worry wart capricorn. my father is a high stressed taurus and has severe anxiety attacks all the time. me no, but parents yes. no one else in my family has them so I am not sure about other signs.

  15. PTSD> cancer. Too much fighting IRL.

  16. i use to have them during Math exams but not anymore; Libra

  17. IDK

  18. I used to through out highschool, yet I loved acting and being on stage...weird i know.

    now i have gotten it under control completely, it just takes a lot of mental strength and getting your life in order.

    When my life was all misconstrued, i had it pretty bad. But now that my life is in order, i feel more in control and my mental state is amazing!

    Oh, and i'm a scorpio.(go figure, control solved my problem and im a scorp)

  19. I think I had one Thursday night; I'm a Libra.

  20. no


  21. no i dont

    im a scorpio

  22. Yes, lots of us do.  I'm a Capricorn.

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