
Hey, does anyone out there believe that Queen Elizabeth had something to do with Princess Diana's death? I do

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I dont know for sure, but I believe Queen Elizabeth had something to do w/Princess Diana's death to make it look like an auto accident, because she was moving on with her life after Prince Charles, and I believe she was also pregnant.




  1. Sure.  She was also responsible for 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, and New Coke.

    EDIT: Heh, 'bang up job'.  Nice one, Sloan.

  2. Well then, she did a bang up job because it sure looked like an automobile accident to me!

  3. Change your medication.

  4. yes im wit you 100

  5. Why would Diana, who was completely divorced from the royal family, make the Queen look stupid by moving on with her life or having a baby?  This would make a tiny bit of sense if she was still married, but she wasn't.

  6. Absolutely not. Diana was an outsider who lost her HRH upon her divorce. Her Majesty is going to be Queen until the day that she dies. Diana really wasn't that threatening. The only that she did do that could be considered annoying is get considerably more media attention than the Royal Family. Hardly worth a murder conspiracy.

  7. i also believe she's not really death. i guess its all in our head.

  8. No i don't think so ,i think it happen as a car accident . Why would the Queen harm her Grandsons Mother ..don't seem right or sound right so it can't be true.

  9. rachelle and brian were right.

    there is no way that the Queen would even come up with such an idea and risk being found out and her reputation damaged.

  10. Probably, I've talk to people convinced about the matter.  But I personally never really put that much thought into the whole Dianna thing, so even if the Queen did it, I don't care all that much.

  11. It is just a conspiracy. I personally do not believe that the Queen has anything to do with it. I do not see any threats between Princess Diana wanting to move on with her life and the royal family.

    What does her pregnancy have anything to do with it? Her unborn child is going to shake the foundation of the British monarchy??? I'm not sure what your trying to say on this matter as I do not see any connections.

    If the Queen wants to save the "royal family's image" she would have also murdered Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York and Mark Phillips, Princess Anne's first ex husband. Both of whom were also convicted of infidelity throughout their marriages.

  12. I do not believe that Queen Elizabeth was responsible for Diana's death. but you are right in believing that it would have made the Royal Family look bad (if indeed Diana was pregnant) because the father Dodi was a Muslim. That fact in itself would have made it hard for the royals and even the government to accept the possibility that Diana could get married to an Arab and a Muslim at that. No way would it look good for anyone. I am not a conspirationist, but when I heard of her death, my first thought was that this accident was not an accident, and that she and Dodi had been murdered for this very reason .

  13. You have to expect silly answers when you ask silly questions.  Of course she did not have anything to do with it.  I really truly believe the Queen thought, like many others did, that she would simply self-destruct, which is exactly what she did.  As much as she jet-setted around the world don't you think something like this was bound to happen?  Add a dodo like Dodi to the picture and it was an accident waiting to happen.  I don't think she was pregnant.  She did not confide to anyone that she was.  Do you realize what the implications of that would have been?  I don't think it would have been so bad had a foreigner impregnated her, as much as it would have just been disastrous for her to be single and pregnant by anybody!  Diana may have been a lot of things, but she wasn't stupid!!!!

  14. No, I don't think she had anything to do with Diana's death. I truly believe Diana's death was a tragic accident.

    Evidence has proved that Diana was not pregant. But even if she was, I fail to see how that would have made the Queen look stupid.

  15. I don't believe that the Queen nor any member of the royal family had anything to do with Diana's death. There is a rumor that the Queen asked Prime Minister Blair if MI-5, or is it MI-6 (?) had anything to do with Diana's death. He, according the rumor, told her no. If Diana was pregnant, it wouldn't have been a threat to the royals. Diana's child wouldn't have had a royal rank. It wouldn't even be a noble, unless the father was a noble.

  16. Everyone loves a conspiricy. The idea that the Queen had a hand in Diana's death is too fanciful to be true. A car accident is not a reliable method of killing someone.

  17. I despair for what you know of the world if you actually believe such a thing.

    The Queen would not do such a thing. It is an insult to her and her people to such it. BTW, Diana, as has been said many times, wasn't pregnant! She had put on some weight, but it wasn't a baby and it sure as h**l was Dodi's because they had only been introduced about two weeks before the crash.

    If you understood anything about monarchy and politics as well as public opinion, you would realize it would have been disastrous for Diana's reputation if she had another baby. Certainly, if she had a baby out of wedlock. It would have cost her a lot of her support, plus it would have put her sons - the real loves of her life - in an awkward position. A future king with an illegitimate half-brother!?!  (It might have happened in ancient times where there was no media, but it would have been a scandal which could have affected William's reign. Diana knew enough not to do that to her sons.)

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