
Hey, having trouble sleeping, can someone help me, I'm only 14...?

by Guest56489  |  earlier

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hi i have trouble going to sleep sometimes, does anyone have any ideas? thank you so much, it will really help! : )




  1. scientific studies have shown that doing strenuous activity greatly decreases the time it take to fall asleep. also, the intellectual levels of humans

    ah never mind, just hit yourself over the head with a pan. it works for me

  2. I have the same exact problem! I'm 16 and for me, it's not so much getting to sleep, it's just that i always wake up 2-3 times a night.  I told my doctor, she said not to listen to music, or to have any lights on. whatever you do, DONT TAKE SLEEPING PILLS!

  3. Working out before I go to bed usually helps me.

    Just like do like cardio for an hour, and don't eat after 7!  Only water!   Read for half an hour after.  Then listen to an ipod softly in your sleep... that usually helps me drift away.

    Don't use sleeping pills.

  4. Find a relaxing CD (ocean, thunderstorm, rain, breeze) and listen to it when you're ready for bed.

    Also, turn off the TV, your cell phone, & any bright lights 20-30 minutes before you're ready to go to sleep to help your body relax.

  5. read a really boring book! till like your eyes hurt then go to sleep! but what happens to me is when i get up to turn the light off im kinda awake again so like get a lamp or something! or there is like this certain tea that makes you sleepy!lol! or watch the politics channel till you fall asleep!

  6. Exercise in morning or afternoon, be sure to have some milk, or some type of pasta in the evening (which helps to release seretonin) and read something that relaxes you.

    Sometimes our thoughts keep us awake, with worry. I try to write them down in a book, so that I know they'll be there when I wakeup, and then let them go so I can sleep.

  7. I'm 14  too and I sometimes have this problem as well. Usually I listen to my iPod on low, or when I can't go to sleep within 10 mins, I turn my iPod off and try again. If I still can't I just switch sides of the bed, for example I put my head where my feet usually are. If not, I just watch tv for a while. Good Luck!

  8. This can be caused for many reasons:

    - stress at school or home

    - caffeine

    - RLS

    - or maybe not enough dailly excercise?

    for that last one, i said that because i knew a girl, who had problems sleeping. She couldn't sleep very well. then every day she started just walking around her neighborhood. it wasn't much , just like 10 or 15 minutes daily, and then she could sleep perfectly! maybe u should try that.

  9. Maybe before you go to bed do something that makes you kinda tired.

  10. Are you tired but unable to fall asleep? It could just be that your bed or pillows aren't comfortable for you anymore. I would suggest having your parents buy a new mattress or a mattress pad which is much cheaper. It can make a big difference.

    Also, avoid watching TV/going online or exercising an hour before bed. Those activities power up your brain and afterwards it takes a longer time to turn it off for rest.

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