
Hey, i am 15 years old but only 5"2?

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My dad is 6"1 and my mum is 5"10..

I sleep for about 11 hours most days but i don't eat much food.

I just don't like most of the foods i eat so i stick to chicken chips and potatoes for most meals and toast / cereal in the mornings. I eat a lot of sweets and crisps in between meals, i am not skinny or fat.

Will i grow to a fair size with this lifestyle? If not how can i increase my chances of growing, i really don't want to be like 5"8 or less by the time I am fully grown.

Serious answers please.


I don't eat fruit or veg but i drink 3 glasses of pure orange juice a day.

I also drink a lot of milk and i sometimes take fish oil but not regularly.




  1. You still have time to grow. You dont stop growing until 21 so you still have time. But it seems with your hieght now you might be under 5'8 so it seems. But hey, miracles can happen! Maybe your growth spurt hasent kicked in yet.

  2. I'm about 6'1" and I can tell you what I did to get tall:

    Eat food with protein and calcium - even take a calcium pill or, like I do, a Centrum (or something similar) AND a calcium pill every day.

  3. Well, what you've listed are contributing factors, they do help somehow. But remember that you're still growing anyway! I'm 1.79cm and always complaining about my height! (ok, not always) But my cousin, who used to be way smaller than me, has now grown to a good 1.85 (more than 6ft). What helped him? Sports. That has helped him a lot, and he's 14! So you're still in time, you can do something about it. Plus they say that the height of a child is usually someway between the parents' heights. So you're still on your way!

  4. Red meat, Red meat, Red meat and chicken, trust me that will make you grow. RED MEAT IS UBER IMPORTANT!

  5. Sounds like you just havent had a main growth spurt yet, with parents as tall as yours you sound like you are going to end up around 6'3. You will probably shoot up a good 6 inches pretty soon so just chill, and yes eat more healthy stuff!

    good luck


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