
Hey, im a 16 yr old girl and im wat sum would consider a prep.?

by  |  earlier

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Not tht i wont be friends w/ ppl who r "different" than me, its jst tht i like 2 shop and wear preppy clothes. But i rly dont like it when ppl assume tht all preps r stuck up and mean. Its not true in all cases and i think they should get 2 kno us b4 they judge. Right?




  1. Absolutely and very well put!  Just be happy of who you are and let those small minded people mind their own business.  If they say something to you, say I don't give you a hard time for expressing yourself, so back off.

  2. I totally agree with you!!

    The "preps" in my school are usually kinda mean. Like they only talk to people who are in the "prep group" and for everyone else you get this mean glare all of the time. But ive known them for years so i have the right to call them what they are. But other "preps" are so sweet and talk to everybody. Like they have more friends than anyone because they don't just stay in the "prep group", they branch out to everyone. So those 'preps" i totally adore.

    And like you, you sound really nice and the type of person id hang out with. And there's a lot of people who like to shop and who wear "prep" clothes that aren't considered a "prep" so dont worry to much about it.  

  3. Its true not all preps are bad although most pretend to be bad so they fit in;...

  4. Your so true. me bein a guy sometimes other guys who arent "preppy" like me will think that i cant do anything like a man. they judge me before like they even talk to me. its just lame. i dont pay attention to people who are envious.

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