
Hey, is this a bad omen?

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So this week I used up the last (like 6 inches or less) of each of three floss dispensers. Do you think it means anything besides I need to get more floss? I hear bad things happen in threes, so maybe the bad part is over?




  1. No.

  2. no  

  3. it means you're at the end of your rope, and you're about to get a divorce. lol.

  4. I think it means you need to buy more floss.  And you need to drink more to get those bits and pieces of food out from between your teeth.  Beer foam works the best.

  5. Yes, very bad!!!! Your two teeth are gonna fall out.

  6. It might be a kind of "omen" but I don't know how "bad" it is. Bad things happening in threes doesn't mean three things happens and THEN the bad event comes, it's in the event itself. The omen was you used up the three floss dispensers. A little weird? Ironic maybe? Sure. But bad? nah, you'll be fine.

  7. please....

  8. i think that while you sleep the icnobreeh (floss) monster form mexican sewers will come eat you. BEWARE!

  9. Hey, don't worry, six inches is the average. The bad part is over, just take your time.

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