
Hey, my athletics carnival is tomorrow and I wanted to know if you have any tips for me or something?

by  |  earlier

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So yeah do you have any tips. Like what to eat and drink, what saves energy and all stuff like that. I'm also going in every event so any tips will be great but I'm mainly concerned with the 100m, 200m and high jump events. WELL THANKS




  1. By any chance you wouldn't go to school at southern cross would you?

    Any ways, if you wanna excel...have like nutri-gran for breaky, full of carbs and plenty of energy to get you through the first part, you will want to keep your fluids up, but not so you feel like your going to puke in the race or anything.

    Don't worry, don't be nervous, enjoy yourself.

    Hope you do well buddy!

  2. well one thing you should eat is eggs and make sure you get lots of rest, stretch before running and i cant really think of any thing else

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